Props analysis


Karteikarten am Props analysis, erstellt von Pritpal Kaur am 08/12/2014.
Pritpal Kaur
Karteikarten von Pritpal Kaur, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Pritpal Kaur
Erstellt von Pritpal Kaur vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
The robbers are going to use a crowbar in order to break into the house, making them appear threatening and dangerous but the use of a lower class weapon still allows them to fit in with our desired image of young inexperienced robbers.
Also the use of high class weapons such as guns would make our opening scene unsuitable for our target audience and would not comply with our age rating of 12. It would not only make our opening scene too violent but could glamourize the use of weapons, potentially influencing our younger audience to mimic dangerous scenarios causing harm to themselves or those around them.
Other props that we are going to incorporate are valuable items for the robbers to steal such as jewellery, a laptop and money. We used the questionnaire results in order to determine what items should be stolen as the questionnaire is based on our audience's expectations of what they believe a robber would actually steal, ensuring that the audience aren't going to be disappointed.
We want to equip the robbers with sacks so that they have somewhere to put the stolen items and gives the impression that they're going to steal a lot. Also as the sacks are black, fitting in with the theme of their costumes and the typical robber stereotype. The final prop we are going to use is fake blood which will be made from food products. This not only makes the film far more realistic but also adds a dramatic and frightening element, fitting perfectly within our genre. It also captures the audiences attention and makes the film more intriguing as they will now question the circumstances of the girls death. Finally, it clearly highlights the passing of the girl stopping any audience confusion.
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