Biology 4.1.1 What causes diseases


A level Biology (4.1.1 Diseases) Karteikarten am Biology 4.1.1 What causes diseases, erstellt von Sam Gunnell am 02/05/2019.
Sam Gunnell
Karteikarten von Sam Gunnell, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sam Gunnell
Erstellt von Sam Gunnell vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is a parasite? An organism that lives in or on a host organism causing them harm
Give an example of a parasite Tapeworm
What are pathogens? Micro-organisms that cause disease
Why are pathogens classed as parasites? They live in or on a host organism
How do pathogens cause damage? -They can take neutrients -Produce toxins -Damage host tissue
What diseases are most common in developing countries? Why? Infectious diseases due to poor sanitation, unsafe water, poverty
What diseases are more common in developed countries? Why? Degenerative disorders as people tend to live longer due to increased hygiene etc
Is bacteria prokaryote or eukaryote? Prokaryote
How can bacteria cause disease? Pathanogenic bacteria can cause disease and waste products can often be toxins
Do bacterial diseases make us ill quickly or slowly? Why? Very quick as they reproduce quickly
What are viruses? Non-living pathogens that are parasites
How do viruses cause damage? They invade living cells, then reproduce rapidly and the cell will eventually lyse (burst), releasing the virus
What makes viral diseases hard to treat? They evolve rapidly so they can become resistant to new treatments quickly
What are protoctistas? Single celled organisms thta act as pathogens and parasites, using animals as their host
Give an example of a disease caused by protoctistas? Malaria
What are saprophytes? They sectrete enzymes onto dead/decaying matter
What happens when a plant has a fungal infection? Photosynthesis stops
How do fungal diseases spread rapidly? They reproduce, creating millions of spores that can cause the fungi to spread through a crop of plants
What is droplet infection? Coughs/sneezes
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