8) Reaction in Germany


GCSE History (2) First World War & Peacemaking, 1918-19) Karteikarten am 8) Reaction in Germany, erstellt von jadesilver am 14/12/2014.
Karteikarten von jadesilver, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jadesilver vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Did the German people think they were too blame for war? No, they didn't think they were to blame.
What did the German people think it was unfair to do? That it was unfair that they were not allowed to participate in the negotiations.
What did the German people call the Treaty of Versailles? A 'Diktat' - a dictated peace.
Why didn't the German people want their government to sign the Treaty? They thought that all who signed it were the 'November Criminals' who had stabbed them in the back.
What did Germany think about the war guilt clause? They said they were not to blame for the war and that they resented the clause. It was a justification for their punishment.
What was the main things that Germany resented in the Treaty of Versailles? They resented the loss of territory, the fact that millions of German were put under foreign rule and the reparations were to high.
What did Germany believe about the Treaty of Versailles? That Britain & France used the agreement to expand their own empires, even though this went against the 14 points.
Wilson's 14 points stated that all countries involved must disarm, what country did this? Why didn't the others? Germany had to disarm and they thought this was unfair. Britain and France didn't because they had big empires to control.
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