

Materials Natural Science Karteikarten am Machines, erstellt von Natalia Ramos Escalada am 05/05/2019.
Natalia Ramos Escalada
Karteikarten von Natalia Ramos Escalada, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Natalia Ramos Escalada
Erstellt von Natalia Ramos Escalada vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
…make work easier. Simple machines and Complex machines
…have few or no moving parts. Simple machines
…often need electrical energy. Complex machines
…use energy. Simple machines Complex machines
…are made up of a number of machines. Complex machines
wheel and axle
Inclined plane
What machine is used to hold things together? A screw
What machine uses rope and a wheel to lift and lower heavy objects? A pulley
What machine is used to move objects up and down different levels.? An inclined plane
What machine uses a rigid bar and a fulcrum to lift objects? A lever
What machines can be used to cut objects?
What machine can be used to move objects from one place to another? A wheel and axle
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