Biology-Distribution of Organisms


Karteikarten am Biology-Distribution of Organisms, erstellt von Millie Brothers am 03/01/2015.
Millie Brothers
Karteikarten von Millie Brothers, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Millie Brothers
Erstellt von Millie Brothers vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS Q- What is the distribution of an organism? - The distribution of an organism is where an organism is found, e.g. in a part of the playing field. - An organism might be more common in one area than another due to differences in environmental factors between the two areas. e.g daisies could be more common in the open than under trees because more light is available.
DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS - Where an organism is found is affected by environmental factors such as... - Temperature (can kill adaptations needed to survive extreme heat or cold if too hot or too cold). - Availability of water . - Availability of oxygen and carbon dioxide (needed for respiration and photosynthesis). - Availability of nutrients (a lack can limit growth). - Amount of light (need light for photosynthesis).
DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS - What are the two methods used to study the distribution of organisms? 1)- You can measure how common an organism is in two sample areas and compare them using quadrats. 2)- Study how the distribution changes across an area by placing quadrats along a transect.
DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS Q- Why might an organism be more common in one area than another - Because of differences in environmental factors between the two areas. e.g daisies could be more common in the open than under trees because more light is available.
DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS Q- How can the reliability of results obtained using quadrats be improved? - By increasing the number of quadrat counts.
DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS Q- How can the accuracy of results obtained by using quadrats improve? - By placing the quadrats carefully as some patches will have more than others. (Could employ random or systematic sampling).
DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS Q- How could RANDOM SAMPLING be used with quadrats? - The quadrats could be placed randomly to sample organisms in a habitat by generating a set of random numbers through a computer. - The numbers would be used as coordinates on a grid. - The grid would then be marked on a lawn, and the quadrats used at each set of coordinates.
DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS Q- How could SYSTEMATIC SAMPLING be used with quadrats? - Quadrats could be places systematically to sample organisms in a habitat by marking out a grid on the lawn, and then the quadrats are used at each intersection. - This provides a ranged pattern.
DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS Q- How to make sure your results are valid? - You need to control all the variables, and makes sure that if a difference in distribution is found, that it could be due to a difference in one environmental factor. - If you don't control the variables, you won't know if it's caused by an environmental factor or not, so your results won't be valid.
DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS Q- Why are transects used to study the distribution of organisms? - They are used to study the distribution of organisms along a line. - They're used to find out if an organism becomes more or less common as you move from a hedge towards the middle of a field.
DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS Q- How are transects used when finding the distribution of organisms? - A line is marked out in the area you want to study using a tape measure. - The data is then collected along the line by counting the organisms that touch the line.
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