Muscles of the shoulder girdle


Biology (Summer Prep) Karteikarten am Muscles of the shoulder girdle, erstellt von Pratik P am 10/06/2019.
Pratik P
Karteikarten von Pratik P, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Pratik P
Erstellt von Pratik P vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Latissimus Dorsi O: Spinous process of vertebrae T6+ I: Bicipital (intertubercular) groove of humerus (medial lip) A: Adduction of arm/Medial rotation N: Thoracodorsal
Rhomboids Major O: Spinous process T2-T5 I: medial border of scapula A: Elevation, Retraction N: Dorsal Scapular B: Dorsal Scapular
Upper Trapezius O: Occipital/ Lig. nunchae I: Spine of scapula/acromion A: Elevates, retracts, Depress, upward rotates scapula N: Spinal Accessory Nerve 9 B: Transverse cervical
Levator Scapula O: Trasverse cervical C1-C4 I: Medial border of scapula A: Elevates scapula N: Dorsal Scapular B: Dorsal Scapular
Rhomboids Minor O: Spinous process C7-T1 I: medial border of scapula A: Elevation, Retraction N: Dorsal Scapular B: Dorsal Scapular
Middle Trapezius O: Occipital/ Lig. nunchae I: Spine of scapula/acromion A: Elevates, retracts, Depress, upward rotates scapula N: Spinal Accessory Nerve 9 B: Transverse cervical
Pectoralis Minor O: Rib 3-5 I: Coracoid process Scapula A: Depression of scapula N: Medial Pectoral B: Thoracoacromial
Serratus Anterior O: Lateral part of upper 8 ribs I: Medial border of scapula A: Holds scapula to thoracic wall N: Long thoracic B: Lateral Thoracic
Lower Trapezius O: Occipital/ Lig. nunchae I: Spine of scapula/acromion A: Elevates, retracts, Depress, upward rotates scapula N: Spinal Accessory Nerve 9 B: Transverse cervical
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