Chapter 3: Greece


Karteikarten am Chapter 3: Greece , erstellt von Naomi Dale am 24/06/2019.
Naomi Dale
Karteikarten von Naomi Dale, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Naomi Dale
Erstellt von Naomi Dale vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Period that produced the legends from Greece Archaic Period
Dark Age of Greece 1100 to 800 BC
Classical Period of Greece 500 to 323 BC
Mycenean Domination 1400 to 1200 BC
Doric Peplos worn during the archaic period, represented as closely fitted, with an overfold at the top edge, most likely made of wool
chitoniskos short tunic
chiton Greek name for a tunic Wrapped around the body and pinned at the shoulder
ionic chiton life span in Greece 550 to 480 BC
Ionic Chiton a complicated chiton from Ionia
Doric Chiton single fastening and less fabric
lifespan of the Doric chiton 400 to 100 BC
exomis tunic for the working man
himation wrapped shawl that left one arm uncovered (men and women)
chlamys cloak (protection against the elements)
petasos hat protection against the weather
occupations for queens and goddesses spinning and weaving
fulling process whereby wool fabrics are washed and shrunk to produce a dense close weave
hellenistic chiton similar to doric chiton, but narrower and often belted just below bosom
diplax small rectangle of fabric worn by women
chlamydon more complicated form of a diplax in which the fabric is pleated into a fabric band
phrygian bonnets brimless caps with a high padded peak that fell forward
pilos a narrow - brimmed or brimless hat with a pointed crown
stephane bridal crown
anakalypteria ritual of unveiling the bride
nymphides special sandals worn by a bride
chlanis was a tunic presented to the groom made by the bride
greaves shaped leather or metal protectors for the lower leg
cuirass modern term for a closely fitted, shaped armor that covered the body
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