Erstellt von Tafe Teachers SB
vor mehr als 5 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
angi/o | vessel |
arteri/o | artery |
arthr/o | joint |
bronch/o | bronchus |
cardi/o | heart |
cephal/o | head |
cerebr/o | cerebrum |
chondr/o | cartilage |
cis/o | to cut |
col/o | colon, large intestine |
cyst/o | bladder, cyst, sac |
cyt/o | cell |
derm/o or dermat/o | skin |
electr/o | electricity, electrical activity |
encephal/o | brain |
enter/o | intestine (usually small) |
erythr/o | red |
fibr/o | fibre |
gastr/o | stomach |
haem/o or haemat/o | blood |
hepat/o | liver |
hyster/o | uterus |
lingu/o | tongue |
lymph/o | lymphoid tissue, lymph gland |
mast/o | breast |
metr/o | uterus |
morph/o | form, shape |
my/o | muscle |
myel/o | bone marrow, spinal cord |
nephr/o | kidney |
neur/o | nerve |
opt/o | eye, vision |
oste/o | bone |
phleb/o | vein |
pneum/o or pneumon/o | lungs, respiration, air |
psych/o | mind |
pyel/o | pelvis of kidney |
rhin/o | nose |
salping/o | fallopian tube, Eustachian (auditory) tube |
thorac/o | chest, thorax |
trache/o | trachea |
ur/o | urine, urinary tract, urea |
uter/o | uterus |
vas/o | vessel, vas deferens, duct |
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