AHST 1303: test 1


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Kristin Wright
Karteikarten von Kristin Wright, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kristin Wright
Erstellt von Kristin Wright vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Venus of Willendorf, c. 28,000-25,000 BCE, Prehistoric: Paleolithic
Two bison, c. 15,000-10,000 BCE, Le Tuc d'Audoubert, France, Prehistoric: Paleolithic
Bison licking its flank, c. 12,000 BCE, La Madeleine, France, Prehistoric: Paleolithic
Cave paintings, c. 15,000-13,000 BCE, Lascaux, France, Prehistoric: Paleolithic
Man and Bison, c. 15,000-13,000 BCE, Lascaux, France, Prehistoric: Paleolithic
Landscape with volcanic eruption (?)(Watercolor copy of a painted wall), c.6150 BCE, Catal Hoyuk, Turkey, Prehistoric: Neolithic
Stonehenge, c. 2550-1600 BCE, Salisbury Plain, England, Neolithic
Palette of Narmer, c. 3,000-2,920, Egypt, Egyptian: Predynastic
Imhotep, Step Pyramid of King Zoser, c. 2,630-2,611 BCE, Saqqara, Egypt,Egyptian: Early Dynastic
Great Pyramids, c. 2551-2472 BCE, Giza, Egypt, Egyptian: Old Kingdom
Great Sphinx and Pryramid of Khafre, c.2550-2494 BCE, Giza, Egyptian: Old Kingdom
Pharaoh Chephren (Khafre), c.2520-2494 BCE, Giza, Egyptian: Old Kingdom
Menkaure and his wife, c. 2490-2472 BCE, Giza, Egyptian: Old Kingdom
Seated Scribe from Saqqara, c.2500 BCE, Saqqara, Egypt, Egyptian: Old Kingdom
Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt, c.2450-2350 BCE, Saqqara, Egyptian: Old Kingdom
Senmut, Queen Hatshepsut's Funerary Complex, c.1473-1458 BCE, Deir el-Bahri, Egypt, Egyptian: New Kingdom
Temple of Amen-Re, begun 15th century, Karnack, Egypt, Egyptian: New Kingdom
Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Amen Re, c.1290-1224 BCE, Karnack, Egypt, Egyptian: New Kingdom
Fowling Scene from Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, Egypt c.1400-1350 BCE, Egyptian: New Kingdom
Banquet Scene from the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, Egypt, c. 1400-1350 BCE, Egyptian: New Kingdom
Bust of Nefertiti, Amarna, Egypt, c.1353-1335 BCE, Egyptian:New Kingdom
Nefertiti, Akhenaton, and 3 Daughters, c.1353-1335 BCE, Egyptian: New Kingdom
Tutankhamen Funerary Mask from tomb in Thebes, Egypt, 1323 BCE, Egyptian: New Kingdom
Tutankhamen Coffin from tomb in Thebes, Egypt, c. 1323 BCE, Egyptian: New Kingdom
Wooden Chest from Tutankhamen tomb in Thebes, Egypt, c.1333-1323 BCE, Egyptian: New Kingdom
Bull-headed Lyre, c.2600 BCE, from the Royal Cemetery, Ur, Mesopotamian: Sumerian
Ziggurat at Ur, c. 2100 BCE, Mesopotamian: Sumerian
Stele of Hammurabi, c. 1780 BCE, Mesopotamian: Babylonian
Complex of Darius I and Xerxes, c.521-465 BCE, Persepolis, Mesopotamian: Persian
Palace of Knossos, C.1700-1400 BCE, Crete, Aegean: Minoan
Bull-leaping Fresco, c.1450-1400 BCE, from palace of Knossos, Aegean: Minoan
Landscape Fresco, c.1650 BCE from Therea (Cyclades), Aegean: Minoan
Octopus Jar, c. 1500 BCE, Palaikastro, Crete, Aegean: Minoan
Snake Goddess, c.1600 BCE, Knossos, Crete, Aegean: Minoan
Lion Gate Entrance, c. 1300-1250 BCE, Mycenae, Peloponnesus, Aegean: Mycenaean
Treasury of Atreus, c. 1300-1250 BCE, Mycenae, Peloponnesus, Aegean: Mycenaean
Funerary Mask, c.1600-1500 BCE, Mycenae, Peloponnesus, Aegean: Mycenaean
Krater, c.740 BCE, from Dipylon Cemetery, Athens, Greek: Geometric
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