VCE English language semantic shifts with examples


definitions ad examples of semantic shifts.
Laura Smith
Karteikarten von Laura Smith, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Laura Smith
Erstellt von Laura Smith vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Broadening expansion of contexts in which a word can appear. eg. Bandaid.
Narrowing when a word comes to mean only part of what it originally meant. eg. meat.
Shift entails total alteration of the contexts. eg. dag.
Elevation unpleasant overtones erode away and the word acquires favourable associations. eg. image (representation of a person-> cultivated favourable public reputation)
Deterioration positive overtones erode away and words acquire pejorative associations. eg. accident (chance event -> misfortune)
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