Requirements analysis


Karteikarten am Requirements analysis, erstellt von Mikael Caselitz am 02/09/2019.
Mikael Caselitz
Karteikarten von Mikael Caselitz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mikael Caselitz
Erstellt von Mikael Caselitz vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Requirements elicitation purpose of a system
Requirements analysis - create a model of the system, which is correct, complete, consistent and verifiable
Functional vs. object oriented decomposition Functional decomposition: -System decomposed into functions -Functions into smaller functions Object oriented decomposition: -System decomposed into classes -Classes into smaller classes
UML use case diagram: elements
Abbot technique From problem statement of the customer
Knowlege sources Application knowledge: end user/application domain know abstraction for application domain General word knowledge: generic knowledge and intuition Solution domain: S. d. experts know abstractions in solution domain
Typical software developement activities
Types of requirements: Functional requirements -Functionality: what is the software supposed to do -External interfaces: interaction with people, hardware, software
Types of requirements: Non-functional requirements Quality requirements: URPS -Usability (steps required to get somewhere) -Reliability (Robustness, Safety) -Performance (Response t., Availability...) -Supportability (Adaptabiliy, Maintanence, Portability) (Constraints : Operation enviroments...)
Scenario build 1) Name: 2) Participating actors: 3) Flow of events: - Mit konkreten Namen etc.
Textual use case description 1) Name 2) Participating actors 3) Entry condition 4) Flow of events 5) Exit condition 6) Special requirements
From Uml class diagrams to UML communication diagrams
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