
The Second One
Lyle Winfield
Karteikarten von Lyle Winfield, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lyle Winfield
Erstellt von Lyle Winfield vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Properties Of CISC CISC is used by desktop and laptops Larger set of instructions and more complex Instructions need multiple cycles Hardware is more complex Memory unit can be edited and is bigger
Properties Of RISC RISC is for Smartphones and Tables Instructions are smaller and simpler Each instruction can be carried out in one cycle due to there size Hardware is simpler Memory unit is read only
What is Parallel processing? Single Instruction Multiple Data Lots of the same instructions are executed in parallel to each other. Each processor has its own memory. The processors cannot communicate with each other.
What is Multi-Core? Multiple Instructions Multiple Data. Single chip contains multiple independent processors called cores. They share the same memory space. Can allow for pipelining.
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