Drone Test


drone Karteikarten am Drone Test , erstellt von pinkdog67 . am 02/10/2019.
pinkdog67 .
Karteikarten von pinkdog67 ., aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
pinkdog67 .
Erstellt von pinkdog67 . vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
How many drones can you fly simultaneously..? 1
what is the maximum height you can fly AGL / above a building ? 400 FT in any direction
What is the Fastest you can fly...? 100 MPH/87 Knots
You must register your drone if it weighs ___ or more, but must weigh less than ___ lightest drone 0.55 lbs. & must be less than 55 lbs.
what is the maxim blood alcohol level you can have to operate a drone....? 0.04. Maximum blood alcohol level.
What is the time that must pass since you have had alcohol, in order to operate a drone...? 8 hours
maximum time you can take to file an FAA accident report....? 10 days
How much do you have to notify the FAA if you move...? 30 days
How much time does FAA have to send you a waiver after you request it..? 90 days
If you are convicted with narcotics how long after the conviction can they take your licence...? 1 year
The youngest person who can register a drone is ..? 13 years old
How long is the drone certification is good for...? 24 months or 2 years
The twilight time before sunrise or after sunset when you can still fly is...? 30 mins
The distance your anti-collision lights must be visible from when flying during twilight & minimum visibility you must have while flying is...? 3 statute miles
Minimum number of feet below a cloud you must fly is..? 500 feet
Minimum number of feet horizontally from a cloud you must fly is..? 2,000 feet
The repair cost of accident damage that requires you to report an accident to the FAA is..? $500
If their is a serious injury that requires you file a report, what level is this level 3
What is a MULTICOM..? A way from pilots to announce producers they will be doing to everyone
What is the MULTICOM frequency for self-announce procedures ? 122.9
The distance you should operate from a tower to avoid hitting guy wires...? 2,000 FT
When do stalls Occur? when the wing exceeds its critical angle of attack
If the vehicles weight changes does the angel of attack change..? No, Angle of attack. Determines when the craft stalls. This doesn’t change if the vehicle weight changes.
What increases during any maneuver...? Load Factor
who is ultimately responsible for the drone & anything concerning the drone Remote PIC
PIC Remote Pilot IN Command (PIC): this person is solely responsible for everything involving the drone.
Aircraft always turn ____ when circling a runway ? Left, Drivers sit on the left side of the car in the US, and pilots sit on the left of the plane too
What helps to prevent an accident (chain )? Risk Management
Personality Factors: Machismo Machismo. Taking risks to impress others
Personality Factors: Impulsivity Impulsivity. Doing something without thinking about it.
Personality Factors: Invulnerability. Invulnerability. Thinking accidents won’t happen to you.
Personality Factors: Resignation. Resignation. What’s the use? They don’t control their destiny.
Personality Factors: Anti-authority Anti-authority. Nobody can tell me what to do.
CRM Crew Resource Management (CRM). It’s how you manage your “crew” and you should integrate it into all phases of the operation.
How should you scan for traffic ? Systematically focus on different segments of the sky for short intervals, let your eyes rest in different areas for a while, rather than continuously scanning.
Latitude Latitude is like climbing a ladder (north-south)
Longitude Longitude is the long way around the planet - Think fat !
What is Standard Briefing / What does it relate to...? help tell the weather forecast
What initials relate to weather...? AWOS
CTAF Main for pilots to talk to each other when there’s no tower.
UNICOM Out in the boonies, base station that broadcasts to pilots when there’s no tower.
MULTICOM Back up for pilots to talk when normal towers are down.
What station # is MULTICOM on.....? 122.9 or 122.95
Weather: What is Temperature inversion ? Warm air on top of cold air
Weather: What does Temperature inversion cause ? 1. Fog 2. Haze 3. Low Clouds 4. Poor visibility 5. Smooth Air
Weather: What are characteristics of unstable air..? Hot & Humid
Weather: Unstable air causes ____ ? Turbulence & showery precipitation
Weather: What are characteristics of stable air..? 1. Smooth air 2. poor visibility 3. steady precipitation 4. humid 5. Cool + Dry
High Density Altitude Includes ____ Air & Lift will Increase or decrease ? Air is thinner, so lift is decreased.
Nimbus rain cloud
Compass headings are always relative to true North in print
What is True North ? Will you Read it or Hear it ? True North: straight up to the north pole (You will read it)
What is Magnetic North ? Will you Read it or Hear it ? Magnetic North: the north a compass gives you ( If you hear it, from)
METARS: METARS: String of letters & numbers to tell you weather conditions in a certain area
METARS come from ____ and are made every ____ generated from computer every 55 mins.
OVC007 What does this mean ? Sky is overcast at 700 feet. Remember, #s are always in hundreds.
DS = BR = BLPY = Dust Storm Mist Blowing spray
GS = GR = DU = Small Hail/Snow Pellets Hail Widespread Dust
PL = IC = HZ = Ice Pellets Ice Crystals Haze
FC+ = FC = DZ = Tornado/Water Spout Funnel Cloud Drizzle
SA = RA = PO = Sand Rain Dust/Sand Whirls
SQ = SN = SG = Squall - a sudden violent gust of wind Snow Snow Grains
SS FU FG Sandstorm Smoke Fog
CTAF = VA = Common Traffic Advisory Frequency Volcanic Ash
CTAF is marked with what....? marked with a C
AWOS relates to what...? Weather
VFR Checkpoints are represented by...? Red Flags
Are VFR Checkpoints usually populated with more planes or not...? more planes might be there
Tick Marks Each tick is one minute Bigger ticks mark 5 minutes
Charts include measurements of...? AGL
Controlled Airspace Class A Class E Class B Class C Class D Class G Class A - 18,000-60,000 Class E - 18,000-3,000 Class B - 10,000- Surface Class C - 4,000- Surface Class D - 2,500- Surface Class G - 2,400- Surface
Which Air Space is this..? This is Prohibited - You should never fly here
Which Air Space is this..? This is Restricted - Guided missiles, Guns going off, Hazards to aircrafts
Which Air Space is this..? This is Warning
Which Air Space is this..? This is Military Operations - Planes are flying exercises
Which Air Space is this..? Alert
AGL Above Ground Level
AWOS = AWC = ASL = Automated Weather Observing System Aviation Weather Center Above Sea Level
CRM = CG = CFR = Crew Resource Management Center of Gravity Code of Federal Regulations
FSS Flight Service Station. Provides pilot briefings, enroute communications, search-and-rescue services, help lost aircraft, etc.
What is the MULTICOM frequency (122.9)
NTSB = NTAP = National Transportation Safety Board Notice to Airman Publication
SFC = RA = OVC= Surface Rain Overcast
SIDA Secure Identification Display Area. The part of the airport where you need to be wearing a badge.
TFR = SM = Temporary Flight Restriction Statute Miles
UAS Unmanned Aircraft System (aka., drone, sUAS, UA)
UNICOM Universal Communications. A radio broadcast that tells you about non-flight services, such as fuel, taxis, and car rentals.
YOU MUST be ___ to register your drone 13 years
What to check before you fly...? What to check before you Fly: 1) All batteries are fully charged 2) Secure all moving objects. Or things that could swing out of place on your drone. 3) All Controls are working properly 4) You Registration # is visible
If you want to carry objects with a drone you must do so... within line of site / you must be able to see the drone
Can you operate a drone form: Car Boat Aircraft You can from a Car & Boat, NOT from an aircraft
Can you fly over the general public...? NO
What is a fly away...? when your controller loose connection with your drone, your drone is going ROUGE
What do you need to have on you if for all flights...? Pilot Certificate Aircraft Registration Waiver or certificate if needed.
Accident Reporting: Must report within __day of the accident to FAA if 10
Accident Reporting: Must report within 10 day of the accident to FAA if 1) serious injury to any person or loss of consciousness 2) property destruction to anything that's not the drone, that costs more than $500 to replace.
What do you need to know about the National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA): Transparency Accountability Privacy
Defined Crew Roles (1): Remote Pilot IN Command (PIC) 1) Has part 107 license 2) Responsible for the safety & zero threat
Person manipulating the controls they don't have to have a 107, but must be supervised by someone who does.
Visual Observer report potential hazards, they must be positioned so that they can see drone at all times.
Characteristics of Hyperventilation Rapid shallows Breaths caused by stress
What could you do to reduce stress..? A - Reduce Stress at home B - Pretend stress is not their C- Take Medication A - Reduce Stress at home
Can't be part of the crew IF…. 1.you have consumed alcohol in the last 8 hours 2. You Blood Alcohol concentration is .04 or higher 3. Using a drug that affects your mental or physical ability 4. If you get caught doing any of these or have marijuana on you, they can take you license for 1 year Remember 1 drink takes 3 hours to metabolize in your body
Calculating Load Factor: (Angel of turn will give you this ) Load Factor X Weight of aircraft = G’s
Center of Gravity If you put an object on a needle, at what point would the object be balanced…? This is center of gravity.
Characteristics of Forward CG Higher Stall Speed, Slower Cruise Speed, Inherently more stable
Characteristics of Back CG Lower Stall Speed, Faster Cruise Speed, Inherently less stable
Where do i find info. On how your drone performs under different weight & balance changes ...? Manufacturer Manual
9 Situations that will affect the performance of a drone: 1) High density altitude conditions 2) High elevations 3) High air temperatures 4) Runway / Launch area length 5) High Humidity 6) Surface 7) Slope 8) Surface Wind 9) Presence of obstacles
Hotter the air = Wettier the air = more effort for flight Less air to create lift
Zulu Time Zulu-6=CST CST+6=Zulu Zulu-5=CDT CDT+5=Zulu
Date & Time 09 15 54 Z 09 - Day of the month 15 - Hours 54 - Mins
Wind 160 13 G17 KT 160 - direction of wind in degree's 13 - Speed in knots G = gust of wind in knots KT = measurements are in knots
Pacific: 2 pm Mountain: Pacific + 1 = 3 pm Central: Pacific + 2 = 4 pm Eastern: Pacific + 3 = 5 PM
Visibility 10 SM 10 = number of miles SM = Statute Miles
Clouds FEW 140 FEW = type of clouds 140 = Altitude of clouds
TAFS is what weather you can expect later, has multiple lines
METARS String of letters & numbers to tell you weather conditions in a certain area, generated from computer every 55 mins.
Where do you call for weather conditions...? 1-800-WX-BRIEF for weather conditions
Thunderstorms: 1st Stage 1st Stage Cumulus: warm moist air rises into a pluim = collection of clouds, 3-5 miles in height.
Thunderstorms: 2nd Stage 2nd Stage Mature: updraft of warm air continues to rise, with cold air in a downdraft. 5-10 miles in height. This will look like an anvil at the top
Thunderstorms: 3rd Stage 3rd Stage Dissipating: The downdrafts / Cold air starts to take over, the storm dies out with a light rain and cloud disappears from top to bottom. 5-7 miles in height.
1) Cumulus 2) Mature 3) Dissipating
What Color ? Dashed or Solid ?
What does this gray line mean ? Military Training Routes
What are these blue lines ? Victor Airways
What does this symbol mean ? Private Airport
What does this symbol mean ? Run Ways
To avoid a possible collision with a manned aircraft, you estimate that your small UA climb to an altitude greater than 600 feet AGL, To whom must you report this deviation to? A) Air Traffic Control B) The National transportation Safety Board C) Upon request of the Federal Aviation Administration C) Upon request of the Federal Aviation Administration
According to 4 CFR part 107 what is required to operate a small UA within 30 mins after official sunset? A) Use of anti- collision lights B) Must be operated in rural area C) Use of a transponder A) Use of anti- collision lights
According to 14 CFR part 107 the remote pilot in command PIC of a small unmamnned aircraft panning to operate within Class C airspace…. A) Must use a visual observer B) Is required to file a flight plan C) is required to receive ATC authorization C) is required to receive ATC authorization
You have been hired to inspect a tower under construction at 45.9N and 98.6W, near Jamestown Regional. What must you receive prior to flying your unmanned aircraft in this area ? A) Authorization from the military B) Authorization from ATC C) Authorization from the National Park Services B) Authorization from ATC
When using chart, do we use MSL or AGL ? MSL
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