Influences for our thriller


Karteikarten am Influences for our thriller, erstellt von cbm15productions am 11/02/2015.
Karteikarten von cbm15productions, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von cbm15productions vor mehr als 9 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
Influences for our thriller The one main influence for our thriller Jessamine was defiantly Annabelle. The film starts with the same opening scene from The Conjuring, in 1970, in which two young women and a young man are telling Ed and Lorraine Warren about their experiences with a doll called Annabelle which, they believe, is haunted.
Annabelle The main story line to this film is how the doll has effected someone or a family’s life which is exactly the same to Annabelle, we have used a very similar storyline as I have explained although both dolls look very different as Annabelle in Annabelle is a china plastic looking doll with fake hair and doesn’t look so scary from the start however our doll jessamine is a cuddly soft doll which is torn apart and made to look abnormal from the start so it’s obvious the genre to this film is a thriller.
Things we will not be using from Annabelle Our posters will be very different as well as we don’t just want to have the doll on its own we want to have other things around it like candles or the little girl to create the poster to look for thriller like. As iv explained we have mostly been influenced by the storyline to this film.
Chucky The second main influence to our thriller jessamine is chucky, Chucky is portrayed as a notorious serial killer whose spirit inhabits a Good Guy doll and continuously tries to transfer his soul from the doll to a human body. We haven’t used the storyline to this as we didn’t want our thriller to have 2 different storylines from Annabelle and chucky.
Poster of Chucky . However we liked the poster ideas for chucky of having a lady holding chucky which helps show more of the storyline (possession)but still not giving away too much which is exactly what we want to do.
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