

A bunch of questions about Arkano in the presentation
Salvatore Rossi
Karteikarten von Salvatore Rossi, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Salvatore Rossi
Erstellt von Salvatore Rossi vor etwa 5 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
When and where he was born? March 23, 1994 Alicante,Spain
How many championships did he win? Arkano had won 6 championships in all his career.
How many years did Arkano had when he won his first championship? Arkano won his first competition at the early age of 15.
Why Arkano suffered bullying in his school? He recieved bullying because he was one of the few persons that liked rap in that moment.
What is one of the songs Arkano did? Con la Cabeza en Alta, Otro Intento mas, Unico, etc.
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