

Social Science Karteikarten am Water, erstellt von Natalia Ramos Escalada am 25/11/2019.
Natalia Ramos Escalada
Karteikarten von Natalia Ramos Escalada, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Natalia Ramos Escalada
Erstellt von Natalia Ramos Escalada vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is a river? Fresh water flowing over the ground, usually towards a body of water
What is a lake? A large enclosed body of fresh water
What is an ocean? A large body of salt water
Can you name the five oceans in the Earth? Pacific Atlantic, Indian, Southern Arctic
What is a spring? A natural flow of water underground that reaches the surface
What is a sea? A large body of salt water, smaller than an ocean such as the Mediterranean or the Caribbean
Can you name some rivers? Ebro Nile Amazon Gualdaquivir...
How is the flow of the Upper course of a river? It is fast-flowing and travels down a steep slope, away from the source
Where does the river start? The source
What is a tributary? A river that flows into another river (i.e Ega, Arga, Aragón...)
How is the flow of the Middle Course of a river? It flows more slowly on gentle slopes and plains. It also meanders.
What is the riverbed? It is the ground a river flows over.
How is the flow of the Lower Course of a river? The river widens as it nears the sea or lake, forming an estuary, and its flow is much slower.
What is a river basin? It describes all the land a river flows through.
What is an estuary? It is where fresh water from the river meets salt water from the sea.
What is drainage basin? It is the part of a sea or ocean where rivers flow into.
Where is the river Nile? It's in Africa
Where is the Amazon river? It's in South America
What is the longest river in Europe? Volga
What is the longest river on the Iberian Peninsula? Tajo
Where is the Yangtze river? It's in Asia
Where is the Mississippi river? It's in North America
What is evaporation? Heat from the Sun warms the water in seas, oceans, rivers and lakes.
What is transpiration? Plants lose water through their leaves.
What is condensation? Water vapour in the air rises and cools. As it cools, it turns into water droplets and ice, which form clouds.
What is sublimation? Solid ice evaporates directly into a gas
What is precipitation? Water droplets,that they grow in size. When they become too heavy to stay on the cloud, they fall to the ground.
What is collection? When precipitation falls and collects in rivers and lakes. Some of the water is absorbed by the soil and forms groundwater.
What is an aquifer? They are underground collection of water
What is a water pump? They are man-made. They are used to create more pressure to push water to the surface
What are the man-made wells used for? Drinking water
When does a natural spring occur? When there is pressure underground that forces the groundwater up to the surface
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