Development Lifespan


Psychology Karteikarten am Development Lifespan, erstellt von Elena Oliva am 09/12/2019.
Elena Oliva
Karteikarten von Elena Oliva, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Elena Oliva
Erstellt von Elena Oliva vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Cognitive Development Schemas are modified to create equilibrium between environment + understanding
Assimilation new experiences to existing schemas
Accomodation new experiences cause existing schemas to change
Sensorimotor Stage Birth - 2: Understand world through sensory experiences + physical interactions with objects Language after 1 yrs.
Object Permanence Understanding that object continue to exist even when they cannot be seen; develops @ 8 months
Pre-operational Stage 2-7: World represented symbolically through words and mental images; symbolic thinking = pretend play
Conservation The principle that
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