BIIAB level 2 personal licence exam (in progress)


Complete flashcards for personal licence exam
Karteikarten von AMELIA COLE, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von AMELIA COLE vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
the four licencing objectives 1. prevention of crime ad disorder 2. public safety 3. prevention of public nuisance 4. protection of children from harm
licensable activities 1. sale of alcohol by retail 2. supply of alcohol on club premises 3. provision of regulated entertainment 4. late-night refreshments
for sale of alcohol by retail a premises must have these three things 1. at least one personal licence holder (PHL) 2. a named designated premises supervisor (must be a PHL) 3. a premises licence
"provision of late-night refreshments" includes food and drink sold between these hours 11pm and 5am
personal licence and what it allows allows a person to sell, or authorise the sale of, alcohol
premises license and what it allows authorises a premises to be used for one or more licensable activities
all licences are issued by- the licensing authority
published by all licensing authorities, setting out how they intend to promote the licensing objectives Statement of Licencing Policy
a licensing committee can consist of between _ and _ elected council members 10 and 15
every licencing authority must keep a register that contains these three things 1. a record of every premises licence, personal licence and club premises certificate issued 2. a record of every temporary event notice (TEN) served 3. a record of all notices and applications
if a licensing authority does not create a policy they will be unable to- issue licences
every local licensing authority must publish a policy every _ years 5
before a licencing authority can publish a policy they must first consult with_ (6) 1. local club premises certificate holders 2. chief officer of policy 3. local premises licence holders 4. local businesses and residents 5. local fire authority 6. local personal licence holders
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