Erstellt von Ashley Saville
vor etwa 5 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Sheila Legge as the surrealist phantom of sex appeal, Trafalgar Square, International Surrealist Exhibition, London 1936 | |
Dali, three young surrealist women holding the debris of an orchestra in their arms, 1936 | |
Roland Penrose, The Real Woman, 1938 | |
Roland Penrose, Last Voyage of Captain Cook, 1936 | |
Roland Penrose, The Dew Machine, 1940 | |
Penrose, Seeing is Believing (l'ile invisible), 1927 | |
Roland Penrose, the Road Is Wider than Long, 1939 | |
Paul Nash, Landscape of Eden, 1928 | |
Nash, Landscape from a Dream, 1936-8 | |
Moore, Composition, 1931 | |
Moore, Four-Piece Composition, Reclining Figure 1934 | |
Hans Arp, ,Ball and Navels, 1931 | |
Giacometti, Woman with her Throat Cut, 1932 | |
Giacometti, Suspended Ball, 1930 | |
Henry Moore, Three Points, 1939 | |
Paul Nash, Dead Sea 1940 | |
Henry Moore, Tube Shelter Perspective, 1941 | |
Lee Miller, Camouflage, 1942 |
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