Erstellt von Dylan Anello
vor etwa 5 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Refugee | a person forced by war, persecution, or other dangers to leave his or her homeland |
Multinational Corporations | business firms that operate. in multiple countries |
Economic Interdependence | The countries of the world are increasingly dependent on one another for raw materials, markets, and financial resources |
Terrorism | the use of violence and threats to intimidate and coerce for coerce reasons |
Israel | Since it’s founding in 1948, the nation of Israel has been at war with neighboring Muslim countries and Palestinians living and working in Israel |
Ireland | After years of protests, in 1921 most of Ireland declared itself free of Britain |
U.K. | Controlled Ireland for many years. Protestants in Northern Ireland wanted to stay with the U.K., Southern Ireland wanted to break away from U.K. control. |
Somalia | The Horn of Africa is home to one of the most unstable countries in the world Somalia has been devastated by civil wars and inter-clan fighting for decades |
Pakistan | War with Hindus for years and fought for Kashmir |
India | War with the Muslims for years and fought for Kashmir |
Balkan Peninsula | After the collapse of the U.S.S.R in 1991, the Balkan Peninsula, particularly the former nation of Yugoslavia fragmented into new nations |
Horn of Africa | Home to Somalia (where Somalia is located) |
Yugoslavia | Yugoslavia became divided between groups such as the Serbs, Bosnians, Croats, and Albanians. |
Target destination of Hispanic immigrants | United states |
Target destination of North African guest workers | Europe |
Issues that help to fuel the Arab-Israeli conflict | There is too little land and water in the area to accommodate both Israelis and Palestinians |
Majority religion in Northern Ireland | Protestant |
Minority religion in Northern Ireland | Catholics |
The IRA and their tactics | In 1994, the IRA declared a cease-fire, and a cease-fire agreement followed in 1998 |
What has the Horn of Africa became known for recently | In recent years, pirates operating from Somalia have become a major international concern as well as terrorism |
What countries/ religions are fighting in South Asia | Pakistan and India |
The most contested land in South Asia | Kashmir |
Balkan Peninsula country that fragmented in 1991 | Yugoslavia |
Areas that technology has advanced the most in | Medicine, Communications, and Computers |
Groups of people that have fought in the Balkan Peninsula | Serbs, Bosnians, Croats, and Albanians |
Characteristics of developed nations | countries that are industrialized, have strong economies, and are technologically advanced |
Characteristics of developing nations | countries that have little industry, poor economies, and low levels of technology |
Two organizations that loan money to developing countries | World Bank and International Monetary Fund |
Illnesses that affect developing nations | Cholera, yellow fever, malaria, and measles |
Examples of countries that have produced higher standards of living by adopting free market economies | Taiwan and South Korea |
Example of habitat destruction | In the Amazon region of South America, tropical rain forests are being cut down for farmland |
Areas affected by acid rain | Forests located in North America and Europe |
Examples of ways nations are linked together today | rapid transportation, communication, and computer networks |
Strengths of multinational corporations | Put large amounts of money into research for new products. Choose the best location for manufacturing products. Market their products all over the world |
EU | European Union |
Currency of the EU | Euro |
WTO | World Trade Organizations |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement |
How do the EU and NAFTA help their member Countries' economies | The EU also as established a common currency, the euro which has been adopted by 12 member nations NAFTA is trying to remove trade barriers between the 420+ million people in North America |
Examples of high profile acts of terrorism | The Munich Olympics of 1972. The terrorist attacks in the US on 9/11/2001 |
Government defenses against terrorism | Increased usage of surveillance equipment. Reviews of privacy rights. Improved security at ports and airports. Increased use of ID badges and photos. |
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