Chapter 16 Flashcards World II


Karteikarten am Chapter 16 Flashcards World II, erstellt von Dylan Anello am 17/01/2020.
Dylan Anello
Karteikarten von Dylan Anello, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Dylan Anello
Erstellt von Dylan Anello vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Refugee a person forced by war, persecution, or other dangers to leave his or her homeland
Multinational Corporations business firms that operate. in multiple countries
Economic Interdependence The countries of the world are increasingly dependent on one another for raw materials, markets, and financial resources
Terrorism the use of violence and threats to intimidate and coerce for coerce reasons
Israel Since it’s founding in 1948, the nation of Israel has been at war with neighboring Muslim countries and Palestinians living and working in Israel
Ireland After years of protests, in 1921 most of Ireland declared itself free of Britain
U.K. Controlled Ireland for many years. Protestants in Northern Ireland wanted to stay with the U.K., Southern Ireland wanted to break away from U.K. control.
Somalia The Horn of Africa is home to one of the most unstable countries in the world Somalia has been devastated by civil wars and inter-clan fighting for decades
Pakistan War with Hindus for years and fought for Kashmir
India War with the Muslims for years and fought for Kashmir
Balkan Peninsula After the collapse of the U.S.S.R in 1991, the Balkan Peninsula, particularly the former nation of Yugoslavia fragmented into new nations
Horn of Africa Home to Somalia (where Somalia is located)
Yugoslavia Yugoslavia became divided between groups such as the Serbs, Bosnians, Croats, and Albanians.
Target destination of Hispanic immigrants United states
Target destination of North African guest workers Europe
Issues that help to fuel the Arab-Israeli conflict There is too little land and water in the area to accommodate both Israelis and Palestinians
Majority religion in Northern Ireland Protestant
Minority religion in Northern Ireland Catholics
The IRA and their tactics In 1994, the IRA declared a cease-fire, and a cease-fire agreement followed in 1998
What has the Horn of Africa became known for recently In recent years, pirates operating from Somalia have become a major international concern as well as terrorism
What countries/ religions are fighting in South Asia Pakistan and India
The most contested land in South Asia Kashmir
Balkan Peninsula country that fragmented in 1991 Yugoslavia
Areas that technology has advanced the most in Medicine, Communications, and Computers
Groups of people that have fought in the Balkan Peninsula Serbs, Bosnians, Croats, and Albanians
Characteristics of developed nations countries that are industrialized, have strong economies, and are technologically advanced
Characteristics of developing nations countries that have little industry, poor economies, and low levels of technology
Two organizations that loan money to developing countries World Bank and International Monetary Fund
Illnesses that affect developing nations Cholera, yellow fever, malaria, and measles
Examples of countries that have produced higher standards of living by adopting free market economies Taiwan and South Korea
Example of habitat destruction In the Amazon region of South America, tropical rain forests are being cut down for farmland
Areas affected by acid rain Forests located in North America and Europe
Examples of ways nations are linked together today rapid transportation, communication, and computer networks
Strengths of multinational corporations Put large amounts of money into research for new products. Choose the best location for manufacturing products. Market their products all over the world
EU European Union
Currency of the EU Euro
WTO World Trade Organizations
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
How do the EU and NAFTA help their member Countries' economies The EU also as established a common currency, the euro which has been adopted by 12 member nations NAFTA is trying to remove trade barriers between the 420+ million people in North America
Examples of high profile acts of terrorism The Munich Olympics of 1972. The terrorist attacks in the US on 9/11/2001
Government defenses against terrorism Increased usage of surveillance equipment. Reviews of privacy rights. Improved security at ports and airports. Increased use of ID badges and photos.
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