Chapter 6 - Selection


Karteikarten am Chapter 6 - Selection, erstellt von Josefine Marie am 21/01/2020.
Josefine Marie
Karteikarten von Josefine Marie, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Josefine Marie
Erstellt von Josefine Marie vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Use of biometrics in HR Biometrics: Fingerprints, Palm Prints, Facial Features, DNA, Retinas, Irises, Odors, Rythm, gait, voice - for any situation that requires accurate identification - can create privacy and security risk
Significance of Employee selection - Process of choosing the individual best suited for particular position - Goal is to properly match people with jobs and organization - Selecting wrong person for any job can be costly
Environmental Factors affecting selection process - Other HR functions - Legal considerations - decision-making Speed - Organizational hierarchy - Applicant pool and selection ratio - Type of organization - Probationary period - Organizational fit
The Selection Process - Preliminary Screening - Review of Applications and resumes - Selection tests - Employment interviews - Pre-Employment screening (backround and reference investigation) - Selection Decision - Physical Examination --> new employee
Preliminary Screening - removes obviously unqualified applicants - BUT: applicant may be qualified for another position within the firm --> benefit
Review of Applications - Application from must reflect firm's informational needs - Preprinted statements are usually included: > certifies that information provided is accurate > should state position is "employment at will" > gives permission for background check
Reveiw of Resumes Resume: Goal-directed summary of a person's experience, education and training developed for use in the selection process
Recruitment and Selection with LinkedIn - online social network of professionals - may be valuable in finding a job - members have created free online profiles about themselfes - useful in finding passive candidates
Selection Tests Use and Problems Use: Relaible and accurate means of selecting qualified candidates, cost is small in comparison, identify attitudes and job-related skills that interviews cant recognize Problems: "can do" vs "will do", Test anxiety, legal liabilities
Employement Interview use goal oriented conversation where interviewer and applicant exchange information - continues to be primary method used to evaluate applicants - at this points candidates are assumed to be qualified
Selection Decision - results should me made known to candidates as soon as possible - deleay may result in firm losing prime candidate - unsuccessful candidates should also be promptly notified
Human Capital Metrics - measures of HR performance, should be good indicators of whether or not strategic goals are being achieved. - task of measuring and understanding how they contribute to the bottom line is often difficult - no onse-size-fits-all-metric
Metrics for Evaluating Recruitment/Selection Effectiveness Quality of hire, time required to hire, new hire retention, hiring manager overall satisfaction, turnover rate, cost per hire, selection rate, acceptance rate, yield rate
Leadership styles in the global environment - Country's culture plays a major role in determining whether an executive will be successful or not - Majority of firms are deeply rooted in the culture of their home countries
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