ClinicalChapter 4


Clinical Lab Karteikarten am ClinicalChapter 4, erstellt von Malik Johnson am 04/02/2020.
Malik Johnson
Karteikarten von Malik Johnson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Malik Johnson
Erstellt von Malik Johnson vor fast 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Confounding/third variable any variable that is extraneous to the two variables being studied.
Construct validity the adequacy of the operational definitions of variables
Correlation coefficient indicates +- directional strength of relationship (A numerical index of the strength of relationship between variables)
Positive linear relationship increase in one; increase in other variable
Negative linear relationship increase in one; decrease in other variable
Curvilinear (non-monotonic) relationship increase in one; increase&decrease in other variable
Dependent Variable variable that is the effect
Independent variable variable that is considered to be the cause
Experimental method direct manipulation and control of variables
Nonexperimental method (observation-no manipulation) relationships are studied by making observations or measures of the variables of interest.
Experimental Control all extraneous variables are kept constant. (this addresses confounds in experimental research)
Internal Validity our ability to accurately draw conclusions about causal relationship
External validity extent results can be generalize to other populations and setting
Statistical validity accuracy of statistical conclusions drawn from research
Operational definition set of procedures used to manipulate or measure the variable
Participant variable subject variables and attributes (age, gender, ethnic group) These variables are by definition nonexperimental and must be measured
Randomization ensures that the extraneous variable is just as likely to affect one experimental group as it is to affect the other group (this addresses confounds in experimental research)
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