Social 9: General Vocabulary


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Riley Babuik
Karteikarten von Riley Babuik, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Riley Babuik
Erstellt von Riley Babuik vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Issue A topic that connects to many people and that people have different perspectives on
Society A social system where a group of people have the same geographical region, identity and culture and have formed a government
Criteria Standards for when evaluating something
Biased An opinion based on unchallenged assumptions
Challenges A call to take part in a contest or competition
Perspective Similar values and ideas shared by a group of people
Governance The process of governing
Unbiased Without preconceived ideas
Political Cartoon A drawing or caricature that makes a comment on politicians, politics and current events
Point of View Opinions of an individual based on the individual's experiences
Political System The process of making government decisions
Significance The quality of being more important or meaning something more
Analyze To examine more deeply with more details
Consensus A general agreement from an entire group
Quality of Life A measure of personal and collective well-being
Economic System The resources and processes involved in the production, distribution and consumption of goods
Persuasive The quality of convincing others to consider a certain idea or do a certain action
Cause and Effect The relation of cause and effect, the cause is why an effect happens
Validity The quality of being logically and factually sound
Rights The entitlement to an ability or to act a certain way
Opinion Personal reaction to an issue
Debate A formal discussion on a particular topic, usually has opposing sides
Advocacy A recommendation for a particular policy to be changed
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