Erstellt von Rishu Kumar
vor etwa 5 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
What is being alive? | Living things are made up of many non living particles which coordinate together to perform various functions to be called as alive. |
What is the criteria to be called alive? | The most important criterion is movement. All living things move by themselves without any external help. |
We can clearly see animals moving but what about plants? | Movements in living bodies can be either fast or slow. Animals can move from on place to another thus easy to observe. Plants are fixed in soil, so they just their body parts. |
Yes you heard it right! Plants show movement... | The plant parts respond to a stimulus such a sunlight, gravity or water. like mimosa pudica |
Hmm... |
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What about very small scale movements? | Small scale movements (invisible to naked eyes ) occurring within cells help in existence of life. |
Exception | Viruses- (as we all know, no description needed) Thus they are at the borderline of living and non living. |
Characteristics of Living Things: | Watch the mind map available ! |
Definition of life processes: | All those processes which are necessary to sustain life |
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