Language techniques


Karteikarten am Language techniques, erstellt von Dawn Potter am 03/03/2020.
Dawn Potter
Karteikarten von Dawn Potter, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Dawn Potter
Erstellt von Dawn Potter vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Simile a descriptive technique that compares one thing with another, usually using 'as' or 'like'
Metaphor a descriptive technique that maes a person, thing or action as something else.
Hyperbole a use of obvious exaggeration for rhetorical effect
Personification a metaphor attributing human feelings to an object
Pathetic fallacy a type of personification where emotions are given to a setting, an object or the weather
Onomatopoeia words that sound a little like they mean
Oxymoron a phrase combining two or more contradictory terms
Emotive language language intended to create an emotional response
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