Brief overview of python


Karteikarten am Brief overview of python, erstellt von Aparna Dhirde am 08/03/2020.
Aparna Dhirde
Karteikarten von Aparna Dhirde, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Aparna Dhirde
Erstellt von Aparna Dhirde vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
PYTHON Python is an open-source, high level, interpreter based language that can be used for a multitude of scientific and non-scientific computing purposes.
Comment Comments are non-executable statements in a program.
Identifier An identifier is a user defined name given to a variable or a constant in a program.
Debugging Process of identifying and removing errors from a computer program is called debugging.
Data types in Python Integer, boolean, float, complex, string, list, tuple, sets, None and dictionary.
Operators Are constructs that manipulate the value of operands. Operators may be unary or binary.
Expression An expression is a combination of values, variables, and operators.
Script Script is a sequence of definitions and commands.
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