
3215 Karteikarten am ETHICS, erstellt von uconn.huskies.19 am 17/09/2013.
Karteikarten von uconn.huskies.19, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von uconn.huskies.19 vor etwa 11 Jahre

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which of these are real? 1 Thousands of prisoners were forced to participate in painful medical experiments, most of whom were killed or seriously injured. 2 Black men with syphilis were left untreated, even when a treatment was available. Hundreds of men died or were left with permanent disability. 3 Mentally disabled children were coerced into being in a study and infected with Hepatitis. all three
code of ethics include include - Nuremberg code - declaration of Helsinki - Belmont report and subsequent government-imposed codes - codes for professional disciplines
Nuremberg Code an international set of ethical standards - developed in 1949 in response to the Nazi atrocities
deceleration of Helsinki was adopted in 1964 by the world medical association - recently revised in 08
what is the American Nurses Association ANA - set ethical guidelines developed by nurses
belmont report provided a model for many guidelines adopted by disciplinary organizations in the United States. also served as a basis for regulations affecting research sponsered by the U.S. government including the NINR
ethical dilemma in research: a situation in which the rights of study participants are in direct conflict with requirements for a rigorous study
ethical principles include? - beneficence - the right to freedom from harm and discomfort the right to protection from exploitation - respect for human dignity - right to self-determination - right to full disclosure - justice
beneficence - an ethical principle: the duty to minimize harm and maximize benefits
Ethical principle: Right to protection from harm and discomfort researchers have an obligation to prevent or minimize harm in studies with humans - participants must not b subjected to unnecessary risks of harm or discomfort
Ethical Principle: Right to protection from exploitation should not place participants at a disadvantage. should be assured that their participation or any information gathered will not be used against them in any way
Ethical Principle: Principle of respect for human dignity - name the sub categories includes the right to self-determination and the right to full disclosure
right to self-determination absence of coercion - have the right to participate or not participant[ate in a study without any consequences
right to full disclosure absence of deception or concealment - the researcher has fully described the study, , the person's right to refuse participation, and possible risks and benefits
the ethical principle JUSTICE includes? - right to fair treatment - right to privacy
right to fair treatment - should be based on research requirements and not on people's vulnerabilities
right to privacy researchers should ensure tha their research is not more intrusive than it needs to be and that privacy is maintained - data should be kept in strict confidence
procedure for protecting study participants - risk-benefit assessments - informed consent - confidentially procedures - debriefing and referrals - special treatment of vulnerable groups - institutional review boards and external reviews
risk benefit assessment is designed to evaluate whether the benefits of participating in a study are in line with the costs, be they financial, physical, emotional, or social
informed consent means that participants have adequate information about the study comprehend the information, and have the power of free choice
confidentiality procedures study participants have the right to expect any data they provide will be in strict confidence
anonymity is the most secure means of protecting confidentiality - no identifying information of the participant
confidentiality in the absence of anonymity a promise of confidentiality is a pledge that any information participants provide will not be publicly reported in manners that identifies them and will not be made accessible to others
what is a CERTIFICATE OF CONFIDENTIALITY somethinf reaserchers in the U.S. can apply for from the NIH - it allows researchers to refuse to disclose information on study participants in any civil, criminal, administrative, or legislative proceeding
potential benefits for study participants - Access to a potentially helpful intervention that might otherwise be unavailable - Comfort in ability to discuss situation with a friendly, objective person - Increased self-knowledge (via introspection or direct interaction with researchers) - Escape from normal routine - Satisfaction that information could help others with similar problems or conditions - Direct monetary or material gains through stipends or other incentives
Potential Risks for Study Participants - Physical harm, discomfort, fatigue, or boredom - Psychological distress resulting from self-disclosure, introspection, fear of the unknown, discomfort with strangers, anger or embarrassment at the type of questions being asked - Social risks, such as the risk of stigma, adverse effects on personal relationships, loss of status - Loss of privacy - Loss of time - Monetary costs (e.g., for transportation, time lost from work)
implied consent self-administered questionnaires
process consent renegotiated over time, qualitative studies
vulnerable subjects participants who require special protections
external review ethical aspects of a study are increasingly likely to be reviewed before permission is granted to conduct a study
research misconduct includes? - plagiarism - fabrication of results - falsification of data
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