History: Iraq War


Flashcards for OCR history GCSE on the Iraq War
Natasha Evans
Karteikarten von Natasha Evans, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Natasha Evans
Erstellt von Natasha Evans vor mehr als 9 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
Why did the USA and UK invade Iraq? They believed they had WMD's Thought Saddam Hussein was involved in 9/11 Claims the US wanted oil Hussein was a brutal dictator Human rights abuse - torture Religious tensions
What happened in the Iraq war? International coalition invades Iraq Within 1 month Hussein is toppled Religions begin fighting (sectarian violence)
What was Saddam Hussein's human rights abuse? Rights were abused by the Iraqi government There were mass murders, use of chemical weapons and torture
Describe briefly the Al-Anfal Campaign. 1986-89 Extermination of Kurds Left 50,000 civilians dead Reason: Hussein wanted to rid Iraq of Kurds (genocide)
5 stages of WMD's (journalist, Dr David Kelly) 1. Government claimed that Iraq could use WMD's within 15 mins 2. BBC journalist claims document was 'sexed up' 3. MP's summon Dr David Kelly to ask if he was source behind story 4. Dr David Kelly commits suicide 5. No WMD's were found
What are some reasons to justify the war? Most people thought some WMD's existed UK claimed that Iraq had breached resolution 687 + the UN had agreed in 2002 (resolution 1441) Al-qaeda were suspected of being involved in attacks Hans Blix refused to deny that there were no WMD's
Explain why some people were opposed to the war. Andrew Gilligan (BBC journalist) claimed the gov had exaggerated the threat of WMD's. Critics of gov said they needed a new resolution from UN to make it legal, but UK knew it wouldn't get support No WMD's had been found - even on eve of invasion War could kill thousands of soldiers
EXAM QUESTION: Explain why there was opposition to the Iraq war. (6) Claims that if the Bush Doctrine was accepted there would be a breakdown in law and order of the US War would kill too many soldiers and civilians therefore damaging peace and stability Andrew Gilligan claimed the threat of WMD's had been exaggerated to create fear and therefore justify war Eve of invasion - no WMD's found - government exaggerate threat
How was the invasion completed so quickly? Describe step 1. 1. US congress passed law which allowed Bush to use military force against Iraq Paved the way for US president to approach the UN security council
How was the invasion completed so quickly? Describe step 2. USA & UK draft resolution 1441, offered Iraq to comply with its disarmament. Resolution passed 15-0 votes. Iraq allowed UN weapons inspectors to visit where WMD production was suspected
How was the invasion completed so quickly? Describe step 3. UNSC refuses to agree to second resolution which allowed invasion Because - most countries who voted for 1441 thought if there was any further Iraqi breach then it would be passed to UNSC Hans Blix + team - no WMD's found Any argument for second resolution was abandoned
How was the invasion completed so quickly? Describe step 4. USA + UK convinced they needed to invade Bush + Blair were not going to be stopped by UN 16th March - Blair, Bush + Jose Maria Anar (Spanish PM) gave Iraqi government a day to provide info they had disarmed Few days later - at war with Iraq
Describe what it is. Explain how it leads to victory. Strength of US + UK military Powerful forces, mobilise quickly, more troops, more weapons Prevented Iraqi mobilisation of air force. US and UK more than able to counter Iraqi opposition.
Describe what it is. Explain how it leads to victory. Iraqi Military weakness Suffered because of economic sanctions meaning they could not develop military power Ill equipped, not in strong position to withstand military of US and UK
Describe what it is. Explain how it leads to victory. Poor morale amongst Iraqi forces Spirits were low, thought they couldn't win the war Reports Iraqi army were surrendering to US and UK forces Fear of defeat Not willing to follow orders
Describe what it is. Explain how it leads to victory. Poor leadership of Iraqi military Poor leadership from Iraqi leaders Wasn't prepared to deal with invasion Qusay Hussein's irregular movement of troops = hard to defend Baghdad. Soon fell to invasion No trust, not prepared
To what extent did the US underestimate the difficulty of controlling Iraq after Saddam? Didn't expect sectarian violence (Sunni, Shia) Sunni's - uncertain of future, did not welcome US led government More violence, looting, rape, murders US didn't realise Saddam had support No plan for keeping law and order Complex relationships between religions
Why would Sunni rebel? Loyal to old regime Uncertain of future, largely Shia dominated Upset over Hussein's capture
Why would Shia rebel? Lose faith in US as they are not dealing with Sunni insurgency Turn extreme - radicalised
Describe the insurgency Sunni + Shia attack US led force Hospital targeted Rape and Murder Looting and violence Civilian and military targets - car bombs
How did the US respond to the insurgency? Killed Saddam's sons Saddam captured and tried Start counter insurgency, target leaders, bombings
What were the consequences of the Iraq war for the US and UK? USA UK *Lost support - undermined* *international influence* Alliances damaged Reluctant to get involved in military action
What were the consequences of the Iraq war for Iraq? Machine gun fire, roadside bombs More freedom and independence for women Damage to oil production - link to oil prices Kurdish rights improved Pluralist society (voice, more than one party). - link to elections
What were the international consequences of the Iraq war? *Motivating terrorism* *Increased membership of al-qaeda* Higher oil prices - link to oil production Decline in security Other countries hold more elections - link to pluralist society Influence of UN undermined - less trust
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