Cellular Respiration Unit Test


Karteikarten am Cellular Respiration Unit Test, erstellt von Melinda Colby am 02/03/2015.
Melinda Colby
Karteikarten von Melinda Colby, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Melinda Colby
Erstellt von Melinda Colby vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Food is used to make what energy rich compound found in cells? ATP
What is cellular respiration? The process that releases energy, by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen.
What is the correct equation, in words, for cellular respiration? Oxygen + Glucose----> Carbon dioxide + water + Energy
Where in the cell does cellular respiration take place? In the cytoplasm, and the mitochondria
What are the imputes for cellular respiration? Glucose and Oxygen
what are the outputs for cellular respiration? Carbon dioxide, water, and energy
What process happens in the mitochondria of the cell? Cellular Respiration, energy is derived from food
What process happens in the chloroplast? Photosynthesis, solar energy is used to make food
What is the molecular formula for cellular respiration? 6O2 + C6H12O6----> 6Co2 + H20 + energy
What is the role of cellular respiration in Animals? The role of cellular respiration is to transfer the energy from the molecule glucose to be used for cellular energy in the form of ATP.
How is cellular respiration related to the process of photosynthesis? Cellular respiration is dependent on the process of photosynthesis by that the outputs of photosynthesis ( oxygen and glucose) are then used for the imputes for Cellular respiration, and the outputs of Cellular Respiration (Carbon dioxide, water, and Energy) are them used for the imputes of photosynthesis.
How do animals use the outputs of cellular respiration? Animals use the outputs of cellular respiration for energy. Animals use this energy for protein synthesis, active transport, and muscle contractions. Animals use the outputs of cellular respiration for growth and development
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