Class and education


Karteikarten am Class and education, erstellt von Daisy-May am 06/03/2015.
Karteikarten von Daisy-May, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Daisy-May vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Class + Internationalism and education lets go...
Sugarman... Working class subcultures are: -Fatalistic -Present time orientated -Immediate gratification -Collectivism
Douglas... Blames Primary socialisation -MC kids receive more attention from their parents in their early years. -Mc parents are more likely to go to their kids parents evenings
Howard... Poor diet in WC students leads to underachievement as students experience higher levels of illness resulting in more absence from school.
Gerwitz... -Education is to blame for WC failure -WC are eliminated through self elimination and exam failure. -The closer the students style is to the dominant class, the more likely they are to succeed.
Bernstein... Elaborated code = MC Restricted code = WC
Keddie... Myth of cultural deprivation: -Children are not culturally deprived, they are just culturally different -Top sets are given the best knowledge.
Woods... -Higher sets = Ingratiation -Lower sets = Rebellion Both ways of dealing with school life.
Lacey... Subcultures arise due to teachers treating pupils differently. MC- Pro-school subculture WC- Anti-school subculture
Rosenthal and Jacobson... When a randomly chosen group of school children were told by their teacher they were bright and would make good progress they did when compared to a group of children of similar ability.
Rosenthal and Jacobson (again)... Self-fulling prophecy Rosenthal and Jacobson found if a student was given a positive label they acted that label out and visa versa.
Bartlett... Cream Skimming: Selecting higher ability students for their schools. Silt Sifting: off-loading pupils with learning difficulties.
Gillborn and Youdell... -Students who will pass anyway (so forgotten) -Borderline C/D pupils (so get the attention) -Hopeless cases (also ignored)
Rist... -3 tables -Tigers, Clowns and Cardinals -Typing students based on social class not ability.
Ball... -Bad behaviours are more accepted of in lower sets. -Students with fathers who are non manual workers are more likely to be in top sets.
Becker... -Did study on labelling that was based on interviews with 60 teachers from chicago high school. -Teachers saw children from MC backgrounds as the closest to their image of the ideal pupil.
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