NG Intro - Unit 4A Vocabulary


Houhai English Reading Expeditions (NG Intro-5) (NG Intro) Karteikarten am NG Intro - Unit 4A Vocabulary, erstellt von David B am 21/04/2020.
David B
Karteikarten von David B, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
David B
Erstellt von David B vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
lifelong (j.) lasting through a person's life
reminder (n.) something that causes you to think about something
main (j.) most important
reach (v.) to arrive at
return (v.) to come back or go back again
submarine (n.) a ship that can operate underwater
death (n.) the time when someone or something dies
condition (n.) a way of existing
passenger (n.) a person who is traveling from one place to another in a ship and who is not driving or working on it
item (n.) a separate part or thing
wreck (n.) a vehicle, airplane, etc., that has been badly damaged or destroyed
shipwreck (n.) a ruined or destroyed ship
agree (v.) to have the same opinion
robot (n.) a machine that can do the work of a person and that works automatically or is controlled by a computer
safe (j.) providing protection from danger, harm, or loss
instead (a.) used to say that one thing is done when another cannot be done
iceberg (n.) a very large piece of ice floating in the ocean
dream (n.) something that you have wanted very much to do for a long time
rob (v.) to take money or property from (a person or a place) illegally
as long as (a.) if
grave (n.) a hole in the ground for burying a dead body
protection (n.) the state of being kept from harm
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