Language Change Terminology


Some of the key terms for language change in A-level English Language.
Libby Shaw
Karteikarten von Libby Shaw, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Libby Shaw
Erstellt von Libby Shaw vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Affixation The addition of bound morphemes to an existing word. e.g., bird → birds e.g. 'UNacceptABILITY'
Conversion A word that changes its word class without adding a suffix e.g. Text (noun and verb)
Acronym A word made up from the initial letters of a phrase e.g. RADAR
Clipping A new word produced by shortening an existing word. e.g. Edit
Blend Two words fusing to make a new word e.g. Smog (smoke & fog)
Prefix Addition of a bound morpheme to the beginning of a root word e.g. mega
Back formation The removal of an imagined affix from an existing word e.g. Editor became edit
Initialism Word made from initial letters each being pronounced e.g. CD
Suffix Addition of a bound morpheme to the end of a root word e.g. Radical (ising)
Compound Combining of separate words to create a new word e.g. Manflu
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