Erstellt von Libby Shaw
vor etwa 10 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Affixation | The addition of bound morphemes to an existing word. e.g., bird → birds e.g. 'UNacceptABILITY' |
Conversion | A word that changes its word class without adding a suffix e.g. Text (noun and verb) |
Acronym | A word made up from the initial letters of a phrase e.g. RADAR |
Clipping | A new word produced by shortening an existing word. e.g. Edit |
Blend | Two words fusing to make a new word e.g. Smog (smoke & fog) |
Prefix | Addition of a bound morpheme to the beginning of a root word e.g. mega |
Back formation | The removal of an imagined affix from an existing word e.g. Editor became edit |
Initialism | Word made from initial letters each being pronounced e.g. CD |
Suffix | Addition of a bound morpheme to the end of a root word e.g. Radical (ising) |
Compound | Combining of separate words to create a new word e.g. Manflu |
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