Erstellt von hanna.schmitt
vor etwa 10 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
medicine, medication (M) | a cure (M) sth that stops a disease |
to cure (E) | make someone healthy (E) |
vaccination, injection (D) | Injektion, Impfung (D) |
to be on your deathbed (D) | auf dem Totenbett sein (D) |
illness (E) | feeling that comes with a disease (E) |
disease (E) | something an organ has (E) |
epidemic (E) | Seuche (E) also: plague |
prescription (E) | Rezept (E) |
treatment (E) | Behandlung (E) |
surgery | Chirurgie |
operation (E) | Operation (E) the act of a surgery |
painkiller (M) | Schmerzmittel (M) |
addictive (E) | süchtigmachend (E) Tobacco is highly addictive. |
non-addictive | nicht süchtig machend |
condition | a state physical or mental |
stable condition | stabiler Zustand |
affectionate (E) | liebevoll, zärtliche (E) |
smuggle up (M) | curl up, sich einrollen (M) |
scratching post (D) | Kratzbaum (D) |
grooming (E) | Pflege, care (E) |
maintenance | act of maintaining keep an existing state die Wartung |
bow and arrow (D) | Pfeil und Bogen (D) |
poisonous plants (E) | giftige Pflanzen (E) |
decade (E) | a period of ten years (E) |
indigenous tribe (E) | Eingeborenenstamm (E) lived in a place for a very long time before people came to live there The reached the indigenous tribe on the third day of their journey. |
to bark up the wrong tree | doing sth that will not get the result you want |
astonish (M) | erstaunen (M) The moon landing still astonishes me. |
belief (E) | Glaube (E) She has a strong belief in the strength of Europe. |
cancer (E) | Krebs (E) Everyone hopes for a breakthrough in a cancer research. |
chemical (E) | chemisch, Chemikalie Some say love is just a chemical reaction, caused by chemicals in our body. |
historian (E) | Historiker/in (E) My brother studied History and Greek, he's the only historian I know. |
ingredient (E) | Zutat (E) Next, mix the ingredients in a large bowl. |
inject (M) | spritzen, injiziieren (M) Do you inject insulin every day? |
injection (E) | Spritze, Injektion (E) Do you need injections for your diabetes? |
old-fashioned (E) | altmodisch (E) His grandfather's old jacket makes him look old-fashioned. |
herbal (medicine) (E) | Kräuter- (Medizin) This medicine is herbal - it's made only from herbs. |
native tribe (E) | Eingeborenenstamm (E) The rainforest is home to many native tribes. |
remedy (E) | Heilmittel (E) Have you heard of cardamom as remedy for headaches? |
anaesthetic (M) | Betäubungsmittel The operation was done under anaesthetic, so I didn't feel a thing. |
carry out | ausführen You came up with the plan, but I had to carry it out. |
state of health (E) | Befinden, Gesundheitszustand (E) Get a check-up at your doctor's, she'll tell you what state of health you're in. |
surgeon (E) | ChirurgIn (E) When he's done studying medicine, he wants to become a surgeon. |
flu (E) | Grippe (E) He was sick with flu several times last year. |
sore throat (M) | Halsweh (M) If you drink too many cold drinks, you'll get a sore throat. |
thorough | gründlich, sorgfältig I did a thorough search on the Internet and now I know everything about him. |
tablet (D) | Tablette (D) Her doctor have her some sleeping tablets to help her sleep better. |
ageing (E) | alternd (E) Dad's really starting to show signs of ageing. |
harmoniously | harmonisch Our neighbors all live together harmoniously. |
healer (E) | HeilerIn (E) Corbin has tried everything but nothing's worked; now he wants to see a healer. |
pass down (E) | überliefern, weiterreichen (E) My older brother always passed down his clothes to me. |
potentially | möglicherweise He could potentially become our most valuable player. |
prevent | verhindern The driver stopped the train in time to prevent a serious accident. |
treat (E) | behandeln (E) Which doctor is treating you now? |
envy (E) | Neid (E) When I saw my neighbor's new car, I was filled with envy. |
jealous (E) | eifersüchtig (E) When she danced with me, her boyfriend got very jealous. |
absent-minded (E) | geistesabwesend, unaufmerksam (E) Janie was so absent-minded she sent the message to Jake instead of James. |
homesick (E) | Heimweh (E) When you travel for a long time, you start to become homesick. |
inattentive | unaufmerksam Lara was inattentive and drove past the exit. |
nostalgic (E) | nostalgisch, wehmütig (E) My mum always becomes nostalgic when she sees her childhood friend. |
over-anxious (E) | überaus ängstlich (E) It's okay to feel a bit worried about the exam but don't get over-anxious. |
envious (E) | neidisch (E) It's not good to be envious of what other people have. |
clarification | Aufklärung No, I can't sign the contract yet. It needs further clarification. |
behavior (E) | Verhalten (E) Do you really think his behavior is normal for a teenager? |
digest | verdauen I'm so full from lunch, my stomach is still digesting that pizza. |
draw conclusions | Schlussfolgerungen ziehen There were eight people on a boat that fits four. Draw your own conclusions as to why it sunk. |
fend for oneself | sich alleine durchschlagen Baby crocodiles have to fend for themselves right after they are born. |
health conscious (E) | gesundheitsbewusst (E) Xavier is very fit and only eats healthy food; he's pretty health conscious. |
observe (E) | beobachten (E) On our safari we were able to observe wild animals in their natural habitat. |
sharpen | spitzen This pencil doesn't write well, it needs to be sharpened. |
wear off (E) | nachlassen (E) You drank four energy drinks? It'll take a while for that rush to wear off. |
imply | andeuten Are you trying to imply that Sandra took the money? |
reading matter (M) | Lesestoff, Lektüre (M) There's no good reading matter in the library any more, just reference books. |
basil (E) | Basilikum (E) Basil is my favorite herb. |
chiropractor (E) | ChiropraktikerIn (E) My back hurts, I need to go to a chiropractor. |
first and foremost | in erster Linie First and foremost, you should get some exercise. |
for sure | gewiss, sicher I know for sure that I won't be able to go on holiday this year. |
uneasy | unsicher, unruhig I felt uneasy talking to her because I knew she was angry. |
uptight (M) | nervös, aufgeregt (M) She was so uptight about the test that she hardly slept the night before. |
mint (E) | Minze (E) The mint in this summer drink makes it taste really fresh. |
prescribe | verschreiben Her doctor prescribed some strong painkillers. |
prescription drug (E) | verschreibungspflichtiges Medikament (E) My doctor gave me that prescription drug for my headaches. |
responsible | verantwortlich I'm not responsible for what happened. It's not my fault. |
scroll | Schriftrolle They found old scrolls in the cave. |
seek (M) | suchen (M) During the war in Eritrea, lots of people came to seek asylum in Britain. |
synthesize (E) | künstlich herstellen (E) Synthesized drugs are really bad for your nervous system. |
trial and error | praktisches Herumprobieren Really the only way to find out if you're good at this is trial and error. |
over the moon (D) | überglücklich sein (D) I was over the moon when I won the race. |
on the top of the world (D) | überglücklich sein (D) They were on top of the world when they got the good news. |
irritable | gereizt, reizbar Be careful when you talk to him - he's very irritable today. |
in high spirits | ausgelassen sein, in bester Stimmung sein Everybody at the party was in high spirits. |
(feel) down (M) | sich niedergeschlagen fühlen (M) He is feeling down because his girlfriend left him. |
satisfy | befriedigen That burger didn't satisfy my appetite - I need a shake, too. |
revitalise (E) | neu beleben (E) Practising with my brother has really revitalized my drumming skills. |
to kill two birds with one stone (D) | zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen (D) |
fast (on) (E) | fasten (E) I've been fasting on nothing but water for a week. I'm not even hungry any more. |
encouragement | Ermutigung Don't be so negative. What she needs at the moment is encouragement. |
adopt (E) | annehmen (E) We could adopt his idea and see if it works out better. |
anxiety disorder (E) | Angststörung (E) She's really afraid of being embarrassed. Her anxiety disorder makes her stay home a lot. |
dependent (E) | abhängig (E) Those twins are really dependent on each other - they do everything together! |
effectiveness | Wirksamkeit I'm not sure about the effectiveness of this medicine. |
generalize | verallgemeinern You can't say that about everyone, you're generalizing. |
heartbeat (D) | Herzschlag (D) I could feel his heartbeat so I knew he wasn't dead. |
implant (E) | Implantat (E) Some people say in the future we'll all have a computer chip implant. |
incapable (E) | unfähig (E) I'm incapable of walking past the pizza place without going in and eating one. |
indigestion (M) | Magenverstimmung (M) I think I ate the wrong thing yesterday, I have terrible indigestion this morning. |
insomnia (E) | Schlaflosigkeit (E) I haven't been sleeping well. The doctor says it's insomnia because of stress. |
jaw (D) | Kiefer (D) Biting into that hard, dry bread really hurt my jaw. |
resemble (E) | ähneln (E) Alyssa and Andrea are sisters? Really? They don't resemble each other at all. |
restlessness (E) | Ruhelosigkeit (E) My restlessness at night keeps me from falling asleep. |
side effect | Nebenwirkung He didn't want to take the medicine because of the negative side effects. |
sweat (M) | schwitzen (M) It was so hot in the classroom that everybody was sweating. |
acknowledge | anerkennen I acknowledge all your hard work in the past. |
misery | Kummer After her dog died, she felt like she would drown in misery. also: wallow in her/his misery. |
lack of (E) | Mangel an (E) The lack of goals made the game really uninteresting. |
failure (E) | Misserfolg, Versagen (E) She doesn't know what she wants because of fear of failure. |
factual | sachlich We need a factual report, sir, not something from your imagination. |
miracle (E) | Wunder (E) Thanks for those last-minute tickets, you're a miracle worker! |
synopsis (E) | Zusammenfassung, Übersicht (E) I didn't have time to read the book so I just read the synopsis online. |
analysis | Analyse According to Jennifer's analysis, we need more money for this project. |
evaluate | bewerten, evaluieren My sister's teacher really doesn't know how to evaluate her students. |
relocation (M) | Standortwechseln (M) The relocation of our school took longer than we thought. |
duplicate | vervielfältigen You can duplicate the photo on your computer and then edit it. |
get rid of | beseitigen, abschaffen I need to get rid of all my shoes. |
laboratory (E) | Labor (E) Scientists do experiments in a laboratory. |
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