ENGTRA2 unit 6 vocabulary a


Inglés Karteikarten am ENGTRA2 unit 6 vocabulary a, erstellt von Juan Diaz am 10/05/2020.
Juan Diaz
Karteikarten von Juan Diaz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Juan Diaz
Erstellt von Juan Diaz vor fast 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
to know [something] like the back of [your] hand. to know [something / someone] very well.
(a) know-all or know-it-all a person who thinks he/she knows everything and ignores others' opinions.
to know [something] by heart. to know something word by word.
to know better. to be able to recognise something as wrong, foolish or not possible.
For all I know ... I really don't know ...
to know what's good for [you] to know what is healthy/what is sensible to do
to learn the hard way to learn from an unpleasant experience
to learn the ropes to understand how to do a particular job or activity
to learn a thing or two to learn information/facts about someone or something
to learn to live with [it] get used to an unpleasant situation
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