Matura flash cards 1


Karteikarten am Matura flash cards 1, erstellt von Adam Narożański am 27/03/2015.
Adam Narożański
Karteikarten von Adam Narożański, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Adam Narożański
Erstellt von Adam Narożański vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What decision do you regret in your life? Be prayed upon
Howvdo people dress in modern times? Dress to the nines
What made you scared as a child Heebie--jeebies
Is it hard to live for elderly people Time to chillax
Does government help poor people enough? Cart board cities
What kind of activities do you enjoy most? Let out some steam
Is life of an athlete hard nowadays? To take the bull by the horns
What are the advantages of having a friend? To go under a bat for someone
Is working in a bigger company better than working in a smaller one? Chock' a block schedule
How to plan a day correctly? Smooth sailing
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