

Karteikarten am R.E-Ethics, erstellt von Millie Brothers am 27/03/2015.
Millie Brothers
Karteikarten von Millie Brothers, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Millie Brothers
Erstellt von Millie Brothers vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- 'Human life should never be taken' (SOY) - Some people think that only God has the right to take the life that he gave us, ' he sets the time for birth and the time for death' and nothing can outweigh the sanctity of life. - Other people think that quality of life is more important and so in some circumstances abortion or euthanasia can be seen as compassionate killing because God wouldn't want to see anyone suffer because it says to 'love thy neighbour' meaning we should do what is in the best interests of the person. - I think that human life should never be taken because ' your body is a temple of the holy spirit' and so we should respect ourselves and our bodies and whatever the situation each human is unique and precious to God.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- Describe the work of hospices. - Hospices provide care and a place of rest for the terminally ill. They try to offer an environment where patients can die with dignity and are given the best possible care and treated with respect. - Hospices offer palliative care to those and counselling for both the patient and families as preparation for death. - They also offer a range of therapies and respite care for carers who need a break.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- 'Euthanasia is against Christian teaching' (SOY) - Some people think that Euthanasia is against Christian teaching because it goes against the 'sanctity of life' principle and the bible says that 'he sets the time for birth and the time for death', therefore only God can choose when you die. - Other people think that euthanasia is not against Christian teaching because it is an act of compassion and as Christians we should 'love thy neighbour' and take care of others needs appropriately. - I think that euthanasia is an act of compassion because it puts an end to unbearable suffering.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- Explain why some Christians agree with pro-choice views on abortion. - Some Christians agree with pro-choice views on abortion because the woman is the one who has to carry and give birth to the child and so she will be most likely to care for it in its early years. - The woman could be pregnant through rape or failed contraception. - The woman may not feel physically or mentally able to go through with the pregnancy and so she knows what is best for herself in her situation. - The woman is living and so her rights should always take priority over the foetus.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- 'It is better for a child to be born with a disability than to be aborted' (SOY) - Some people think that it is better for a child to be born with a disability than to be aborted because the sanctity of life principle applies to all human beings and we are told to 'go forth and multiply' meaning our job is to procreate and the disability should not interfere with this. - Other people think that the child should be aborted than live with a disability because it could be seen as an act of love as we are told 'clothe yourselves with compassion and kindness' meaning it would be an act of compassion if their life was to be short. - I think that the child should be born with a disability because ' we are all one in Christ' and so everyone deserves a chance at life because it was 'a gift from God'.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE-What is active euthanasia? - There is a deliberate intention to end the persons life. - It is illegal
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- What is passive euthanasia? - To relieve the suffering but dying naturally. e.g. giving someone pain killers even though it will shorten their life. - Legal because there is no intention to kill.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE-‘Euthanasia shows Christian love.’ What do you think? tbc
THE RIGHT TO LIFE-Explain reasons why Christians might accept abortion. tbc
THE RIGHT TO LIFE-Explain why some Christians disagree with abortion. tbc
THE RIGHT TO LIFE-Explain different views about when life begins. tbc
THE RIGHT TO LIFE-‘Christians should never agree with euthanasia.’ (SOY) tbc
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- What is euthanasia? - Euthanasia is known as 'mercy killing', it is to help a person 'die with dignity'.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- What are the arguments FOR abortion? - No child should be unwanted. - The embryo is just a clump of cells and only a potential life. -A young girl is not ready for the responsibilities of motherhood. -It is cruel to make a raped woman go through with pregnancy. -The mother has the right to choose for herself. - The woman knows what is best for herself and the baby. - Aborting a disabled foetus is in the best interests for everyone.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- What are the arguments AGAINST abortion? - No child need be unwanted, there are alternatives to abortion. - Life begins at conception. - A young girl is not mature enough to deal with the long lasting effects of abortion. - It is wrong to punish a child for the father's action. - The woman's emotional state may cloud her judgement. - Quality of life for a person with a disability should not be judged.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE-Anglican/Methodist Church views on abortion. - Abortion is a great moral evil. - Life is sacred. -In certain circumstances e.g rape (extreme distress) or to save mothers life- it is okay. - Late abortions (24 weeks) accepted only if child would die soon after birth or child had major disability.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE-Roman Catholic Views on abortion. -Abortion equal to murder - The embryo has rights from the start - The embryo is defenceless and deserves protection -All lives are of equal value and it’s not for humans to judge the quality of life for a disabled foetus. - The unwanted child can be adopted and bring joy to infertile couples. -Support can be given by the Catholic community to help the mother to cope.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE-Quotes to use against the act of abortion -‘Do not commit murder’. -‘Children are a gift from the Lord’. - ‘When my bones were being formed…you knew I was there-you saw me before I was born’. -‘You are God’s temple and God’s spirit lives in you’.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- What is voluntary euthanasia? - When the person requests to the doctor to end a life of intolerable suffering or loss of dignity.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- What is non-voluntary euthanasia? - When a person is incapable of making a descision. e.g. they are in a long-term coma and cannot communicate at all. - It is when euthanasia is thought to be in the individuals best interests and what he/she would have wanted.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- What is the pro-choice view? - Maternal rights come first - The pregnant lady is more fully alive than a foetus. - The woman should decide what happens in and to her body.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- What is the pro-life view? - Foetal rights come first. - The foetus is fully alive as a human being with potential. - The foetus is vulnerable and needs protection.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- Arguments FOR pro-life view. - The baby's right to life is respected. -The mother will not suffer the guilt feelings that are common after abortion. -The mother will receive financial and emotional support from church organisations and the state. - If adopted, infertile couples are given joy and the child has a loving home.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- Arguments AGAINST the pro-life view. - The mother and baby may struggle throughout life without access to support. - The child might spend his/her life in foster care because the mother may be unable to care for the child but not want to give it up for adoption. - There may be emotional problems later if and when an adopted child wants to find his/her mother.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- What are alternatives to abortion? - Adoption - The mother keeping the baby -Fostering until the mother can care for the baby herself.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- The sanctity of life? - Life is infinitely precious. - Life is a gift from God to be treasured. - 'Your body is a temple of the holy spirit'.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- Quality of life? - Being loved and wanted. - Having capacity for relationships. - Having capacity for self-fulfilled life.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- What is involuntary euthanasia? - Where a person is put to death without being consulted and with no thought given to the best interests of the individual.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- What are the views of most Christian Churches on euthanasia? - Against all forms of active euthanasia. -God gave life and only he has the right to take it. - The body is a 'temple of the holy spirit' and so it is sacred. -It breaks the commandment 'do not commit murder'. - It shows a lack of trust in God's love, compassion and mercy. - We are all equal in God's eyes. - It deprives vulnerable people of protection from abuse.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- Arguments FOR Active euthanasia. FOR: - The right to self determination is what the patient wants. - No animal would be made to suffer intolerable pain, so why would a human? - Feeding tubes prolong the dying of patients and are just a form of medical treatment.
THE RIGHT TO LIFE- Arguments AGAINST Active euthanasia. - Can the person be sure a real and lasting desire to die? - Improvements in palliative care make it unnecessary. - Feeding tubes are a form of basic care to which everyone has an absolute right.
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY-'Human cloning should never be allowed' (SOY) - Some people think that human cloning should never be allowed because the child is the right to the two biological parents and the bible says 'you saw me before I was born' meaning everybody is a unique individual in Gods eyes and no-one can take that away. - Other people think that both types of cloning show compassion and love 'love they neighbour' and therapeutic cloning could save or improve the quality of life in a human.
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- 'Christians should never support embryo research' (SOY) tbc
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- Explain Christian views about artificial insemination by donor (DI/AID). tbc
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- Explain why some Christians disagree with surrogacy. tbc
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- ‘Couples should be able to choose the sex of their babies.’ (SOY) tbc
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- Explain why some Christians do not agree with IVF treatment. tbc
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- Explain Christian views about saviour siblings. tbc
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- Explain why many Christians agree with somatic cell therapy. tbc
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- Explain why many Christians disagree with the creation of designer babies. tbc
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- Explain different christian attitudes to using IVF as a treatment for infertility. tbc
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- 'For Christian couples, artificial insemination should only be artificial insemination by husband (AIH) (SOY). tbc
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- 'To create a a saviour sibling is an act of Christian love' (SOY). tbc
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- Explain different Christian views on stem cell (therapeutic) cloning. tbc
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- What are the 3 fertility treatments? - IVF (in vitro fertilisation) - AIH (artificial insemination by husband) - AID (artificial insemination by donor)
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- What is surrogacy? - Where the couple are the genetic parents. - The use of IVF to insert couple's embryo into surrogate. - Surrogate is the legal mother and contracts are unenforceable- but surrogate signs form at 6 weeks so no longer legal mother.
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- What is commercial surrogacy? - Surrogacy which is illegal and used for expenses only.
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- What are the Roman Catholic views on fertility treatment and surrogacy? - A child is a gift from God, not a right or to be ordered- so could adopt/foster. - All forms of fertility treatment interfere with nature. - Donated sperm described as 'mechanical adultery' because it brings a third party into the relationship and could cause social and psychological problems later. - The creation of spare embryos disregards the 'sanctity of life' and so tantamount to murder. - Surrogacy is seen as reducing the mysterious and wonderful process of conception.
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- What are Protestant views on fertility treatment and surrogacy. - Forms of fertility treatment were skills given to doctors by God. - It is an act of compassion 'love your neighbour' as infertility is distressing. - It is putting faulty nature right. - Has concerns about psychological problems.
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- What is genetic engineering? - The changes made to the genetic structure of living things.
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- What genetic engineering can be used on humans? - Somatic Cell Therapy - Saviour siblings.
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY - What is somatic cell therapy? - A treatment which adds to, enhances or replaces a defective gene. - It is a treatment for single genetic disorders, so any infection could be fatal.
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- What is the process of somatic cell therapy? 1) A cell has a defective gene, so a working copy is grown in the laboratory. 2) The virus is modified to make it harmless. 3) The working copy of gene is put into harmless virus. 4) Defective cells taken from patients body and put with virus. 5) Over 2-3 days, virus enters cells and inserts working copy of gene. 6) Cells with working copy, now put into patients body making normal life possible.
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- What are the Christian attitudes FOR somatic cell therapy? - Regarded as morally acceptable because it is aimed at healing the individual. - It saves life. - It is an act of compassion. - Development of the technique is responsible of God-given skills. - Benefits outweigh risks. - Less expensive than current treatments and so shows stewardship of limited resources.
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- What are the Christian attitudes AGAINST somatic cell therapy? - It may be only short-term saving of life. - Should large sums of money be spent on rare conditions when more common conditions/things need treating e.g hunger. - Jesus did not heal everyone who was sick and there are limits today. - Is it compassionate to give treatment whose long-term success is unknown.
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- What is the saviour siblings process? - IVF is used to produce embryos that are screened for signs of the disorder. - Embryos free from the disorder and a close match to the sick child are selected and inserted into the woman. - If pregnancy follows, a child is born free from the disorder . - Stem cells from the baby's cord blood are transplanted into the sick sibling.
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- What are the Christian attitudes FOR saviour siblings? - Some protestants accept it provided that the baby is genuinely wanted for him/herself. - It is saving a life and so fulfills the sanctity of life principle. -It is an act of compassion. - It is an acceptable procedure responsible of God-given skills. - The siblings will have a close bond.
THE USE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- What are the Christian attitudes against saviour siblings? - Roman Catholic church oppose it. - The destruction of embryos not selected breaches the sanctity of life principle. - Quality of life concerns should not overrule sanctity of life. - It is a form of exploitation, the saviour siblings interests do not come first. - There could be psychological problems for the savior sibling if treatment fails.
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