Classical Conditioning Key Terms


Key terms you need to know for the classical conditioning section of AS Psychology
Fred Clayton
Karteikarten von Fred Clayton, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Fred Clayton
Erstellt von Fred Clayton vor fast 10 Jahre

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Neutral Stimulus (NS) Any environment stimulus that doesn't naturally produce a behavioural response (e.g. a chair doesn't produce a fear response)
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) Any stimulus that produces a natural unlearnt behavioural response (e.g. noise, food, light, touch etc.)
Unconditioned Response (UCR) Any response that occurs naturally without learning (e.g. looking at the Sun, smelling food when you're hungry)
Conditioned Stimulus (CS) A stimulus that has been associated with a UCS so that it now produces the same response as the UCS on its own
Conditioned Response (CR) A learnt behaviour that is shown in response to a learnt conditioned stimulus
Extinction When you make the dog unlearn a conditioned stimulus (apply to Pavlov's Dogs)
Spontaneous Recovery When the salivation process becomes spontaneous, the conditioned response can happen randomly (apply to Pavlov's Dogs)
Stimulus Generalisation When you associate a conditioned stimulus with other things like it i.e. a circle is similar to an oval, both will cause a conditioned response
Before conditioning Bell -> No response NS -> No response
During conditioning Bell + Food -> Salivation NS/CS + UCS -> UCR
After conditioning Bell -> Salivation CS -> CR
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