Unit 2 - Places of worship


GCSE RE Karteikarten am Unit 2 - Places of worship, erstellt von tuckp002 am 10/04/2015.
Karteikarten von tuckp002, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von tuckp002 vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Define pilgrimage A journey by a Christian to a Holy site eg. Lourdes
What is transubstantiation? Where the bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Jesus
What is an Iconostasis and what does it represent? A screen covered in icons that goes across the whole width of the Church. It represents the divide between heaven and earth.
What are some of the exterior features of a church? There is a tower The windows are pointing upwards Stained glass windows It is the shape of a cruciform (looking down on it, it is in the shape of a cross)
What is an alter? Table like structure where the bread and wine are offered to God
What is the tabernacle? Small cupboard in which the consecrated bread and wine is kept
What is the sanctuary lamp? The lamp is on to show that the body and blood of Christ is in the tabernacle
What internal feature in the Catholic church centered on? The alter
What internal feature is the Anglican church centered on? The pulpit
What is a Pulpit? Raised structure where the priest will read the Gospel and preach his Homily
How do the interior features of an Anglican church differ from the internal features of a catholic church? They do not have a tabernacle or sanctuary lamp because they do not believe in transubstantiation
What is the Orthodox church centered on? The alter
What is the shape of the orthodox church and what does it represent? The buildings are rectangular which represents the ark of salvation (Noah's ark). This is a symbol of the saving from sin that comes from Jesus Christ
What are the cupolas and what do they represent? The domes on the orthodox church exterior. They represent the heavens above.
What is significant about where people sit in an orthodox church? men and women are separated with men on the right and women on the left. This is to show the equality of men and women before God
What is behind the iconostasis in an orthodox church? The sanctuary, which contains the alter. What is done on the alter is removed from the sight of normal people, only Priests and Deacons may enter the sanctuary.
What is in front of the royal doors in an orthodox church and what does it represent? Two large candles which represents the light that led the Jews through the wilderness into the promised land
What are the features of a Quaker church? Very plain inside and out. They may have a Bible placed on a table in the middle.
What are the features of a Baptist church? The main focus is the pulpit because reading from the Bible is the main focus of worship. They have a big pool at the front where people are immersed for baptism.
What are the features of a Methodist church? Pulpit centered. They may celebrate communion once or twice a month so there will be a small communion table by the pulpit.
Why might a person go on a pilgrimage? Give 4 points 1) To strengthen their faith and relationship with God 2) To feel part of a community as they travel with other Christians 3) To ask for healing if they are sick 4) To say sorry to God for something 5) To pray for something special 6) To look after someone who is sick and wants to go on pilgrimage
What is the significance of Lourdes (What happened there) Mary appeared to Bernadette here and told her to dig a spring. It is believed that this spring has healing qualities.
What is there to do in Lourdes? ~ A candle lit procession at night ~ Light a candle in the Grotto and pray for someone ~ Bathe in the spring water ~ attend mass
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