Accounting for Income Taxes


Karteikarten am Accounting for Income Taxes, erstellt von Laura Winchester am 12/04/2015.
Laura Winchester
Karteikarten von Laura Winchester, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Laura Winchester
Erstellt von Laura Winchester vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Temporary Differences The difference between the tax basis of an asset or liability and its reported (carrying value) amount in the financial statements. Results in deductible amounts or taxable amounts in future years
Taxable amounts Increase taxable income in future years - difference between book basis and tax basis for prepaid insurance - excess tax depreciation over book depreciation - installment sales contract accounted for on cash basis for tax purposes and on accrual basis for book purposes
deductible amounts decrease taxable income for future years - Product warranty liabilities - subscriptions received in advance - unearned rent revenue
Current tax expense a component of income tax expense. Represents the amount of income taxes payable for the period.
Deferred tax expense a component of income tax expense. It is how much the DTL balance increased from the beginning to the end of a period.
Deferred tax asset represents the increase in taxes refundable (or saved) in future years as a result of deductible temporary differences existing at the end of the current year.
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