AQA biology 2.2 Carbohydrates - monosaccharides


AS - Level AS Biology (unit 1 - 02. enzymes and the digestive system) Karteikarten am AQA biology 2.2 Carbohydrates - monosaccharides , erstellt von Charlotte Hewson am 13/04/2015.
Charlotte Hewson
Karteikarten von Charlotte Hewson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Hewson
Erstellt von Charlotte Hewson vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
what allows carbon atoms to build up? they readily form bonds with other carbon atoms
what is the name given to given to each of the individual molecules that make up a chain? monomers
what is the longer chain made up of repeating monomer units called? polymer
what 4 elements are most polymers made up of? -carbon -hydrogen -oxygen -nitrogen
what is the basic monomer unit in carbohydrates? a sugar
what is another name for this? a saccharide
so what is a single monomer called? monosaccharide
what is formed by a pair of monosaccharides? a disaccharide
what do three or more monosaccharides join to form? polysaccharides
what is the general formula for monosaccharides? ( CH(2) O ) (n) - where n can be any number between 3 to 7
how many carbons does glucose have? what is the name for this? - 6 carbon - hexose sugar
what shape do the atoms form in their molecular arrangement? a ring
which saccharides are reducing sugars? all monosaccharides and some disaccharides e.g. maltose
what does a reduction involve? gaining electrons
what is a reducing suger? a sugar that can donate electrons to (or reduce) another chemical
what test is done to test for a reducing sugar? benedicts test
what is gaining the elsectron in this test? the Benedicts reagent
what is benedicts reagent? an alkaline solution of copper (II) sulfate
what happens when a reducing sugar is heated with benedicts reagent? it forms an insoluble red precipitate of copper (I) oxide
how is the test carried out? -add the food sample to a test tube. if not in liquid form, grind it up -add an equal volume of benedicts reagent -heat the mixture in a gently boiling water bath for 5 mins
what are the concentrations depending on the colour? none = blue very low = green low = yellow medium = brown high = red
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