Financial Management Function


Advanced Diploma FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (Financial management function) Karteikarten am Financial Management Function, erstellt von Nathan Waghorn am 25/08/2020.
Nathan Waghorn
Karteikarten von Nathan Waghorn, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Nathan Waghorn
Erstellt von Nathan Waghorn vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Financial Management Obtaining and disposing of financial resources to reach certain objectives.
Earnings Per Share (EPS) (formula) = Profits available to shareholders / number of ordinary shares
Total Shareholder Return (formula) = (Dividend + change in share price) / share price at start of year
Agency Relationship This is the relationships between the owners (shareholders) of a company and the managers (agents) who the owners have appointed to run the company on their behalf.
Corporate Governance The rules that dictate how the business behaves.
Goal Congruence The synergy between the objectives of the agents and the organization as a whole.
Stakeholders Whoever has an interest in an organization that would be affected by its actions.
Value for Money Maximum value from the lowest cost.
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