P2 Brain Training


Karteikarten am P2 Brain Training, erstellt von Monika Rhys-Jones am 15/04/2015.
Monika Rhys-Jones
Karteikarten von Monika Rhys-Jones, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Monika Rhys-Jones
Erstellt von Monika Rhys-Jones vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
How are forces represented? with an arrow from where the force originates
What is a resultant force? -a single force which replaces all the other forces -same effect as all the forces together
What will happen if the resultant force acting on a stationary object is 0? the object will stay stationary
What will happen if the resultant force acting on a stationary object is not 0? the object will accelerate in the direction of the resultant force
What will happen if the resultant force on a moving object is 0? the object will move at the same speed in the same direction
What will happen if the resultant force on a moving object is not 0? it will speed up, slow down or change direction
What is the unit for force? Newtons (N)
How are force, mass and acceleration linked? force = mass x acceleration
What uni is mass in? kg
What unit is acceleration in? m/s squared
What does the gradient of a distance time graph represent? speed (velocity)
What are the units of speed? m/s or km/hr
What does a horizontal line on a distance time graph mean? object is stationary
How do you calculate speed from a distance time graph? distance/time
What does the gradient of a velocity time graph represent? acceleration
What does a horizontal line on a velocity time graph represent? the object is moving at a constant speed
How do you calculate acceleration from a velocity time graph? final velocity - initial velocity divided by time
How do you calculate distance from a velocity time graph? area underneath line in metres
What happens to the forces when a vehicle travels at a constant speed? the resistive forces balance the driving forces
Which force are most of the resistive forces acting on a vehicle? air resistance or drag
How is the braking force affected by speed? the bigger the speed the greater the braking force needed to stop it in a certain distance
What is stopping distance? distance vehicle travels in reaction time + distance travelled under braking force
What can a driver's reaction time be affected by? tiredness, drugs and alcohol
What happens to the temperature of the brakes when you apple them and why? -increases -work done by friction between the brakes and wheel reduces the kinetic energy of the wheel so the temp of the brakes increases
What can braking distance be affected by? poor weather (icy or wet) and condition of vehicle (brakes and tyres)
When an object moves (through a fluid), what happens to the frictional force? it increases
Why does a falling object initially accelerate? due to gravity
What will eventually happen to the resultant force of a falling object? it will be zero
What is terminal velocity? the speed an object reaches when its resultant force is 0
How do you calculate the weight of an object? mass x gravity
What will happen to a spring when a force is applied to it? it will change shape and stretch
What type of energy is stored in a spring when it is stretched? elastic potential energy
What is the limit of proportionality? the point at which the force applied and extension is no longer proportional
What are the units for spring constant? N/m
What is work done? when a force causes an object to move through a distance
What is the unit for work done? Joules (J)
What is transferred when work is done on an object? energy
Will the amount of work done to move an object be smaller or greater than to move the same object the same distance across grass? it will be smaller because there are less frictional forces to counteract
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