Rhythym Vocabulary - my glossary 2 of 3  "Rhythmic Concepts"


GCSE drumming Karteikarten am Rhythym Vocabulary - my glossary 2 of 3  "Rhythmic Concepts", erstellt von paul.whittamore am 04/10/2013.
Karteikarten von paul.whittamore, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von paul.whittamore vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
The tendency of the largest gap (p33) If pattern repeated often enough, the ONE (first) feels like the end, and the first after gap like start Whatever perception of PATTERN, the timeline gives the postion in CYCLE
The flexibility created by the unaccented pulse (p37) ?
The power of a limited number of voices (p40) ?
The trance effect of repetition (p47) ?
The circular effect of overlapping ONE (p59) ?
The disorienting effect of obscuring the pulse (p79) ?
The stabilizing effect of ending on ONE (p90) ?
The suspended effect of ending on the beat before ONE (p91) ?
The tendency to group notes in the same voice together (p106) ?
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