Enlightened Despotism


Enlightened Despotism
Karteikarten von NICOLE HERNANDEZ SALGADO, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von NICOLE HERNANDEZ SALGADO vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Frederick the Great He eliminated the torture of accused criminals, improved the educational system, allowed his subjects to believe what they wanted in religion, and promoted industry, agriculture, and commerce.
Peter the Great Western ideas in science, education, military training, and industry. He ordered his male subjects to shave their traditional long beards and discard their oriental garments. He also extended control over the Russian Byzantine Church.
Catherine the Great Imported Western culture into Russia, revised and codified Russian law, sponsored the arts, created hospitals, and undertook other public welfare projects. Pugachev's serf uprising of 1773 led her to return absolute control of her servants to the nobles.
Maria Theresa He began a series of reforms, established a national army, limited the power of the Catholic Church, revised the tax system and bureaucracy, reduced the power of the lord over the serfs and improved the educational system.
Joseph II He abolished serfdom and introduced a one-size-fits-all tax, a physiocratic idea, granted religious tolerance to Calvinists and Lutherans, removed many of the restrictions on Jews, abolished capital punishment, reformed the educational and judicial system, and established hospitals.
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