TTMIK - Korean Lv 1


Talk to me in Korean Lv 1 Vocab (w/ images)
Karteikarten von J K, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von J K vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
학생 Student
학교 School
뭐예요? What is it? / What is that?
사전 Dictionary
핸드폰 이거 핸드폰이에요. Cell Phone This is a cellphone.
커피 이거 커피예요? Coffee Is this coffee?
술 저거 술 아니에요 liquor That is not liquor.
고양이 그거 고양이 아니에요 Cat It is not a cat.
차 이 차는 Car this car
사과 이거는 사과예요 Apple This is an apple.
날씨 오늘은 날씨 좋네요. Weather The weather is good today
시간 시간 있어요. Time. There is time. I have time.
재미 Fun
돈 돈 있어요? Money Do you have money?
장갑 장갑 주세요. Gloves Please give me a pair of gloves
차 이 차 맛없어요 Tea This tea tastes bad
보다 보고 싶어요 to see I want to see.../ I miss you
마시다 마시고 싶어요 to drink I want to drink
사다 이거 사고 싶어요. to buy I want to buy this.
읽다 어제 읽었어요 to read (ik-tta) Yesterday I read
자다 자고 싶어요. to sleep I want to sleep
쉬다 1. to rest, to take time off (2. to breathe 3. to go bad)
일하다 일하고 싶어요. to work I want to work
웃다 to laugh (ut-tta)
오다 왔어요 To come They came
적다 적었어요 to write down they wrote
팔다 팔았어요 To sell sold (past tense)
놀다 놀아요 to hang out hang out (present tense)
기다리다 기다렸어요 to wait waited (past tense)
이상하다 이상해요 to be strange is strange (present tense)
멋있다 멋있어요 to be cool cool (present tense)
집 집에 가요. house (I) am going home
사무실 사무실에서 일해요. office I work at the office
도착하다 언제 도착했어요? to arrive When did you arrive?
일어나다 언제 일어나요? to get up When do you get up?
아침 아침에 the morning in the morning (에 indicates time)
오늘 today
어제 yesterday
내일 tomorrow
지금 now
아까 earlier today, a while ago
나중에 later
버리다 그거 버렸어요. to throw away (I) threw it away
아직 그거 아직 안 버렸어요. yet I didn't throw it away yet.
아프다 안 아파요. to hurt, to be sick, to ache (it) doesn't hurt
이거 매워요? 네. 안 매워요. Is this spicy? No. It is not spicy
공부하다 공부해요 To Study Study (present)
일하다 일했어요 To work worked (past tense)
기억 Memory
기억하다 기억해요 to remember remember (present tense)
청소하다 청소했어요 to clean Cleaned (past tense)
요리하다 요리해요 to cook cooking (present)
이사하다 이사해요 to move house Moving (present)
노래 song
노래하다 노래했어요 to sing Sang
노력하다 노력해요 to make an effort, to try hard
동의하다 동의해요 to agree agree (present)
인정하다 인정해요 to admit admit (present)
후회하다 후회했어요 to regret regretted (past)
운동하다 운동해요 to work out working out
words, language
말하다 말해요 to speak speaking (present tense)
생각 thought, idea
생각하다 생각했어요 to think thought
누구예요 Who is it?
어제 누가 왔어요? Who came yesterday?
어떻게 왔어요? How did (you) get here/come?
얼마 how much (money)
저거 얼마예요? How much is that?
얼마나 how + [often/fast/early/soon/etc.]
여기에서 저기까지 여기부터 저기까지 From here to there
어제부터 From (or since) yesterday
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