Genetics +5 kingdoms


Karteikarten am Genetics +5 kingdoms, erstellt von eadaoin.fodenx am 06/10/2013.
Karteikarten von eadaoin.fodenx, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von eadaoin.fodenx vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
EVOLUTION: Mutation is a change in the amount or structure of DNA Gene mutation Chromosome mutation
Genetic engineering is the artificial alteration or manipulation of genes
5 KINGDOMS: Monera...bacteria Absence of membrane-enclosed nucleus=prokaryotes NO membrane enclosed organelles NORMALLY small + singlecelled reproduce asexually
Protoctista...Algae,Amoeba Have membrane enclosed nucleus Mostly single-celled +simple multi-celled organisms Mainly found in water
FUNGI...mushrooms ect. Hetrotrophic(take in their own food) Mainly multi-celled with tubes=hyphae Hyphae walls made of chitin(carbohydrate) Reproduce by spores
PLANTS..mosses ect. Complex multi-celled organisms Autotrauphic(make own food by photosynthesis) Cell walls made of cellulose Non motile Embryo is protected inside parent plant Reproduce sexually and asexually
ANIMALS...humans ect. Multi-celled Heterotrophic Absence of cell walls Nervous and Muscular systems Reproduce sexually Large non-motile egg + small motile sperm
Species A group of organisms capable of natural interbreeding to produce fertile offspring
Heridity Passing on of features from parents to offspring by means of genes
A Gene Is a a section of DNA that carries the code for a particular protein
Gene expression is the way in which the genetic code contained in a gene is converted into a protein
A Gamete is a haploid cell capable of fertilisation
Allelels are different forms of the same gene
Dominant Means that the allele prevents the recessive allele from working
Recessive means that the allele is prevented from working by a dominant allele
Genotype is the genetic make-up of an organism
Phenotype is the physical make-up of an organism
Homozygous means that both the alleles are the same
Heterozygous means that the alleles are different
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