AQA Biology 6.1 defence mechanisms


AS - Level AS Biology (unit 1 - 06. immunity) Karteikarten am AQA Biology 6.1 defence mechanisms, erstellt von Charlotte Hewson am 27/04/2015.
Charlotte Hewson
Karteikarten von Charlotte Hewson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Hewson
Erstellt von Charlotte Hewson vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
what are the two main types of defence of the human body? non-specific and specific
what is a non-specific response? doesn't distinguish between types of pathogens, responds to all in the same way
what are the two forms this can take? -phagocytosis -barrier to the entry of pathogens
what is a specific response? do distinguish between different pathogens. less rapid but provide long-lasting immunity
what type of blood cell does this use? white blood cell called lymphocyte
what are the two forms this can take? - cell-mediated responses involving T lymphocytes - humoral responses involving B lymphocytes
what would happen if lymphocytes couldn't distinguish between self and non-self material? it would destroy the organisms own tissue
why is there a time lag between exposure to pathogen and bodies defences bringing it under control? the antibody already exists and has to reproduce enough numbers to be effective in destroying the pathogen
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