Introduction to Social Psychology


BSc PS407 Social Psychology (Introducing Social Psychology (Chapters 1 & 15)) Karteikarten am Introduction to Social Psychology, erstellt von Petite Piplup am 08/10/2013.
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Karteikarten von Petite Piplup, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Erstellt von Petite Piplup vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Outline Critical Social Psychology Universal principles are insufficient when explaining human nature as these principles are relative and contextual. E.g. dependent on multitudes of variables such as time, culture and location. Therefore critical social psychologists do not consider social psychology as a science.
Which two individuals are regarded as being the founders of social psychology? Herbart (society is a large aspect of human existence) Comte (social aspects studied as natural sciences)
Outline Völkerpsychologie Late 19th century harbinger to today's social psychology. The concept of the "collective mind". Associated with Wilhelm Wundt, individual and social psychologies separate, individual is influenced by social.
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