Muscle histology


VMED 5132 (Test 1) Karteikarten am Muscle histology, erstellt von Diamond Sapphire am 30/09/2020.
Diamond Sapphire
Karteikarten von Diamond Sapphire, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Diamond Sapphire
Erstellt von Diamond Sapphire vor etwa 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What type of muscle is this? Skeletal muscle
What type of muscle is this? Cardiac muscle
What type of muscle is this? Smooth muscle
The alternating dark and light bands represent what functional unit of skeletal muscles? Sarcomeres
What connective tissue surrounds a group of muscle cells to form a fascicle. Perimysium
dense connective tissue that surrounds the entire muscle Epimysium
thin layer of connective tissue that surrounds each muscle cell. Endomysium
Within the sarcomere, the main dark band is which band? The A band
Within the sarcomere, the main light bad is which band? The I band
Within the sarcomere, the light band in the middle of the A band is what? The H zone
Within the sarcomere, the dark band in the middle of the H zone is what? The M band
Within the sarcomere, what is the dark line that runs through the I band? The Z line
A single sarcomere runs from.... Z line to Z line
During contraction, the I band ___, the Z lines move ___, and the A band ___ Narrows; closer together; remains relatively unchanged
What are T-tubules? Small, tubular invaginations of the muscle cell membrane deep into the cells that intertwine among the myofibrils
What is a triad? Where are they found? Intersection of 2 terminal cisternae lie alongside to each T-tubule Found in skeletal muscles
specialized junctions that connect the individual cells within cardiac muscles Intercalated disk
What are the 3 types of cell junctions present within intercalated disks? Desmosomes, fascia adherens, and gap junctions
Adjacent cells have a lot of ___ to communicate to each other Gap junctions
Smooth muscles have a rudimentary SR but have no ___ T-tubules (and no striations)
In smooth muscle, the nucleus is generally ___ located Centrally
Skeletal muscle fiber is multinucleated with the nuclei ___ located Peripherally
Cardiac muscle has a single nucleus that is ___ located Centrally
Skeletal muscles are not capable of regeneration on their own and require the help of which cells? Satellite cells
T/F Cardiac muscles are capable of regeneration False
T/F Smooth muscles are capable of regeneration True
Sarcolemma muscle cell membrane
Sarcoplasm Cytoplasm of muscle cell
Sarcoplasmic reticulum Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Sarcosomes Mitochondria of muscle cell
Muscle “fibers” muscle cells or MYOCYTES
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