Bones and ossification


VMED 5132 (Test 1) Karteikarten am Bones and ossification, erstellt von Diamond Sapphire am 30/09/2020.
Diamond Sapphire
Karteikarten von Diamond Sapphire, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Diamond Sapphire
Erstellt von Diamond Sapphire vor etwa 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
When the concentration of calcium is high in the blood, the thyroid secretes calcitonin which ___ osteoclasts Inhibits
When the concentration of calcium is low in the blood, the thyroid secretes calcitonin which ___ osteoclasts Stimulates
In this type of bone preparation, cellular components can be visualized Decalcified
In this type of preparation, components of the matrix can be visualized Ground
Bone forming cells Osteoblasts
Osteoblasts that are entrapped in the bone matrix and maintain the bone matrix Osteocytes
Bone resorbing cells that break down the bone matrix Osteoclasts
Cuboidal to columnar; single layer on bone surfaces; basophilic cytoplasm; nucleus is often centrally located Osteoblast
Giant and multi-nucleated; face bone with “ruffled” border; acidophilic cytoplasm Osteoclasts
Bone ECM is made of an ___ matrix and an ___ matrix Organic; inorganic
2 types of bone marrow Red; yellow
T/F Red bone marrow is typically found in older animals False; it’s typically found in younger animals. Yellow marrow is more common in “older” animals
What type of bone is represented by this slide? Cancellous/spongy bone
Which zone of endochondral ossification is outlined in white? Zone of proliferation
Which zone of endochondral ossification is outlined in white? Reserve zone (resting zone)
Which zone of endochondral ossification is outlined in white? Zone of hypertrophy
Which zone of endochondral ossification is outlined in white? Zone of resorption
Which zone of endochondral ossification is outlined in white? Zone of ossification
What type of bone is represented in this slide? Compact bone
What type of bone development is represented in this slide? Endochondral ossification
What type of bone development is represented in this slide? Intramembranous ossification
Most bones are formed via ___ ossification Endochondral
openings that run perpendicular to Haversian canals connecting them with the surface and each other Perforating canals AKA volkmann canals
In lamellar bone, ___ ___ ___ lies just underneath the periosteum Outer circumferential lamellae
In lamellar bone, ___ ___ ___ lies just underneath the endosteum Inner cirumferential lamellae
Functional unit of compact bone Osteon
Central Canal/Haversian canal
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